Why are my seedling not growing like other seedlings I've seen?

I have an AK 47 auto that is 3 weeks old and a Big Haze auto that is 1 week old.
I made my own potting soil and planted them in their final home.
I started them indoors using sunlight from windows. I started taking the AK 47 outside to harden it 3 days ago so it can eventually be out in full sun soon.. I read it is not recommended to take the
Big Haze outside until it has its 2nd or 3rd set of leaves.
I have watered the AK 47, one cup in a circle around the seedling twice because of the pot size and the Big Haze once for the same reason.

Why am I seeing seedlings of the same age that look like mini bushes?
All advice will be appreciated.AK 47 wk 3 (2).JPG AK 47 wk 3.JPG Big Haze wk 1 (2).JPG Big Haze wk 1.JPG
Because most people use more than window light. Poor light causes seedlings to grow tall and wispy. Get some real light on it or leave it outside. Use a straw or skewer to stake it up when you take it outside because it’ll be laying over and playing dead due to a weak stem. Resolves quickly after a few days outside. Morning light is the best.
I wasn't trying to do an indoor set up. The company where I bought the seeds said put em near a window then at 2 weeks start to harden them. I live in Thailand, the last time I put seedlings directly outdoors they died.
I wasn't trying to do an indoor set up. The company where I bought the seeds said put em near a window then at 2 weeks start to harden them. I live in Thailand, the last time I put seedlings directly outdoors they died.
hotrodharley answered you in that you are light deficient. I'd recommend adding a T5HO to your plants for more light before you put them outside.
I wasn't trying to do an indoor set up. The company where I bought the seeds said put em near a window then at 2 weeks start to harden them. I live in Thailand, the last time I put seedlings directly outdoors they died.

I would like to see the ad from that company.