Why Are My Stems Purple?

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I was just looking at a chart and when it gets below a certain temperature the roots can no longer take up the available oxygen. Cold also hinders other uptakes as well.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
During really cold weather I duct warm air from the canopy under the table.

I keep the moms between 65-69F and they are always green. They are six different strains in the same trough. They all get fed the same.


Well-Known Member
The stems that were purple the leaves are turning light green but only the ones that had the purp stems is this from that or a deff


Well-Known Member
The stems that were purple the leaves are turning light green but only the ones that had the purp stems is this from that or a deff
Its hard to say because we know nothing about the food, light height, medium your growing in, nothin. Plants stay green and purple stems are fine when your feeding them enough and adding the right amount of calmag.


Well-Known Member
some plants just have purple stems and in other plants it can mean some feeding adjustments or other issues

Most newbies pay it more attention then they really should, can`t tell you how many times you see some other huge problem and there the grower is trying to fix the stems colour


what a bunch of wannabe bullshit answers.

purple stems are from rootbound and K deficiency. cal mag will welp, but fresh up pot with all around fert solution 10-10-10 or at least somethink high in K.
Honestly to say bullshit answers?? ROOTBOUND that's a billshit answer ROOTBOUND will show more than purple stems!! And like a few have already said it is usually new fast growth and dissipates over time.. I am new on this site but damn..

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
Honestly to say bullshit answers?? ROOTBOUND that's a billshit answer ROOTBOUND will show more than purple stems!! And like a few have already said it is usually new fast growth and dissipates over time.. I am new on this site but damn..
my answer applies to serious red stems, stalk, petiole. not just occasional purpling and purple veins


Well-Known Member
I am using ffof with a hydrofarm 4ft 6 bulb fluoresent light I been using big bloom after every 2 waters I use 1/4 TBS to a gallon I think I already told listed this stuff in post


Well-Known Member
I been using tap water also which I think the pH is off one of my new seedling have same light green issue

Rugburn Og

depends on the strain like the person a few posts up has said.. ive been growing my own since 91 and my temps are always perfect but its depends how deep the grape/blue genetics run :) some plants will have purple vains some will have a darker blue vain, some plants will grow purple leaf steams.. some will purple right up the base like dank blueberry or godberry (godberry is deep purple thru stem and leaf stem after clone with a dank dank cut)

a lot of growers can turn any strain purple almost just buy inducing cold weather into there grow rooms but honestly most plants just have the colors in there genetics from start