Why Are People On Other Drug Forums Such A**holes?

To be fair, there's a lot of idiots on here too. If you've ever been in a discussion topic you'll notice like at least 30% of the people are acting like teenagers.
I know right. And no matter how graceful I am in giving and sharing of my knowledge and experience, wisdom, as well as sharing all my peace and love with all of my brothers and sisters. They just can't seem to embrace all the grace I have to give. It's just sad. I just want everyone to be happy. I hope for everyone to have an abundance of peace and love. I just want peace and love for all. But, they run away from the peace and love. And it makes me worry for them. I'm scared they are really sad inside. I don't know why there are so blue. Perhaps they've been hurt in some harsh way. I dunno. But, I care. I love you @abe supercro If you ever need me bro. Just look for me in spirit. Since you're on ignore yet again for being a meanie. I know you really need the peace and love to cleanse your sad soul. It's here bro. You just have to take that first step into it. I am sad too. That you are lost. Son. We from the peace and love really do love you. Even if you are on ignore. We love you with the tough love.

And I plead with all of you to join me in the peace and love. But. They just want to argue all the time. To hate on others. Run others down. They just wanna be meanies all the time. We will wait for you. With open arms and peace and love. We forgive you but, your ass is staying on ignore for now.

Well I say. Shame on you meanies!

Peace and love. That's all you need.
Is that Andy Warhol? If so, that is great! I never see this photo.
Nothing says Peace and Love, like viewing Andy's Campbell soup Art while having a warm bowl of Campbell's Soup.

You just can't go wrong with Peace and Love. @abe supercro