WHy Are RICH people SO GreedY?

fuck the rich I'm a happy thousandnier even if they gave me a million dollars it won't last long easy come easy go. I don't care if their bed is proped up on stacks of gold bars for all I care they can build there house with gold bars. money can't make you happy just like I wouldn't live with a bunch of rich smug bastards. but I got a problem with middle class people too I just don't like them although theirs a lot of poor people I hate too. so baisically weather your poor, rich, or middle class theirs a good chance I won't like you I hate all men equally except the few people I like.
I wouldn't live with a bunch of rich smug bastards. but I got a problem with middle class people too I just don't like them although theirs a lot of poor people I hate too. so baisically weather your poor, rich, or middle class theirs a good chance I won't like you I hate all men equally except the few people I like.

You seem to be packing around a lot of luggage there bro.