why are some strains clone only

great source of knowledge here guys. how can anyone learn anything when yall just fight and argue on here. just sayin. if the student truly wants to learn, as i do. he or she will look into ALL the suggestions posted about the topic. if he or she is truly in love and in tune with thier plants, the plants also let ya know what they like or dislike. im not tryin to argue with anyone, just sayin. theres no need for this out doing each other... the determination of the student will drive him or her to sift through and find the real Knowledge. just sayin all the posts made after kgps last post.... hell most of this thread is uninformational lol. only a few posts are actual attemps to answer the question. the rest is an argument. lol just saying.
kgp... thanks for answering me. i figuerd it had something to do with different phenotypes occurring even tho the plant could be hermied. different genes still poppin out more than others. anyways.... too much static round here for me. happy farmin folks.
let them fuck up their own plants...
Sure, but once they start recommending others to fuck up theirs too... Too many members here want to give advice for the sake of giving advice, like it's a game or something or to grow epeen, I don't know, I don't really care. What I do care about is that people who come here to learn do not get fed the same old stupid forum nonsense so as a previous poster pointed out I try to prove bullshitters wrong. It's a dirty job doing that in an mj grow forum but... sometimes really entertaining too :lol:
Sure, but once they start recommending others to fuck up theirs too... Too many members here want to give advice for the sake of giving advice, like it's a game or something or to grow epeen, I don't know, I don't really care. What I do care about is that people who come here to learn do not get fed the same old stupid forum nonsense so as a previous poster pointed out I try to prove bullshitters wrong. It's a dirty job doing that in an mj grow forum but... sometimes really entertaining too :lol:
i can see that. cause some people just take advice without actually making sure it is good advice. i try to listen to the plants more than listening to people. if i learn a possibility that might help. i set there by the plant, and think about it. usually can feel the plant say no, or "hell yeah, thats what we need. " took me two weeks to actually feel comfy with lst. i made sure the girlie was ok with it. now i got a cute little bonzai tree with twelve tops spittin out hairs :). prolly wont be a big yeild or anything. but its the first time i got to actually flower a plant. had some veglings before from bag seed. but didnt get to the flowers cause of certain events. family crisis lol. to be honest, i look forward to the day nixons grip on our way of life is done away with. and god will be happier if we let his garden grow freely. i know we are way off topic on this thread but thats just the way things evolve.
Couldn't of had said it better. If a unknown member has a bomb ass cut and is better then a known members cut it doesnt matter cus the unknown member isnt popular enough to be taken into consideration

yep, this business is very political and hollywoodish. High Times Cannabis Cup is like the mountain dew sports tour. It is to hype shit up and to get you into the rat race. While there is gold to be found from many of the winners of these cups what you normally get is a sub par version of the winner. People who are judging the competition all know each other and are usually around for every cup. The sponsors of the cup get featured in the magazine and on social media and the small fish never gets mentioned.

It doesn't matter if you have the dankest bud if they don't know you the door is closed. I have been to the inner circle, I have enjoyed that life for a little while. Though I was never a judge I was part of the complete process from selecting the lb that enters to solidifying the best booth area possible to just doing what these guys do best.. hang out and dab down.

Also the collectives that enter in the flower cups generally don't give much credit to the one who grew it. Dog and pony show to get the spirits of the people up and get you buying the hottest new product. Even if the product is bunk.
Very few clone only strains I've grown "have it all" ... Maybe gg4 falls in that category but most if not all strains have room for improvement.
Totally agree. GG4 was a good example of having most of those traits. Green crack clone doesn't clone well, stretch is minimual and doesn't yield huge but is so unique in what it does well like taste, smell, flavor and quality of the high, it is like one of those exceptions.
Even Bubba is a slow vegger.
One that should be on the list of top clones is Bruce Banner. It doesn't veg quickly but is some really great smoke. It won in a smoke contest against 12 other strains between some private growers in Colorado. That says something.
. If a unknown member has a bomb ass cut and is better then a known members cut it doesnt matter cus the unknown member isnt popular enough to be taken into consideration
Always said pictures and putting the proof on the table is where it's at. If you think you have an elite, show it.

Bruce Banner is the man. (A green man at that and you don't want to get him angry.)
Careful, being bluntly honest like that makes people butt hurt...

I've made a similar comparison a couple of times, many growers are like factory workers, they can operate a machine for decades and still be clueless about its inner workings. If it breaks down, someone needs to come and fix it. In this case it's a very simple machine that pretty much operates itself. He does not have 40 years experience which is probably easy to see by going through his posts (didn't he just recently get a mentor... ) but I've always assumed most people realize not to take bold red text too seriously so that's more time and energy than feel is needed to put in this particular troll.

@bigworm6969 if I remember correctly I got quite a bit of rep and comments from you on the first grows I posted here. y u mad bro? After a while trying to have normal discussions at trollitup I figured if you can't beat them, join them. I treat people like they act, and people who post stupid nonsense, give bad advice, repeat debunked cliches, and can't have an actual debate with valid arguments and without all the classic fallacies tend to act like little bitches when you prove them wrong, hence I treat them as such. You're welcome to join the club, it makes no difference to me.
bro see thats what im talking about ur to busy trying to be mister know it all, going back to read my comments along time ago and yeah i probably did give you sum likes until you started be king terd of shit island, everytime im on here reading up trying to learn your always being a dick to somebody it doesnt have shit to do with oh im just telling everybody how it is and being blunt hurts people feelings wrong thats not it at all, matter of fact you havent showed me shit about being right with growing yet maybe you will one day if you stop worring about what other people are doing and trying to be the man that stops other people from posting bad info, and what are you talking about butthurt and a ostrich i must have missed that, when you stop being mister perfect and worrying about your self you might be an ok guy same with uncle ben he talks greasy to people all the time theres no need to be like that for real, you know what for know on im going to practice what i preach and mind my own business and not worry about you people ruining this forum fuck it, and oh yeah my plants look great with the def tech maybe u will try it one day