Why are there so many Trump supporters on RIU?

Welcome to Politics, New Member!!
Keep your friends close, and you enemies closer,
Biden 2020!!
Thanks, Jim. (:

I'll try not to dig at too many blind trumpers but, I'll call out either side for being ridiculously stupid I probably will have more closer enemies than close friends in here. I kind of try to avoid politics anyway so.... I probably won't be in this area much. :rolleyes:
I have worked in IT and we saw many reports for our blog posts - one was where the postings came from and if a vpn was used etc...etc...you would be shocked how filthy our blogs are from Russia, China and Saudi Arabia, prisons...believe half what you read and only half...Americas survival is dependant on being able to see truths.
The average American has been fed shit since the inception of that sack of shit that was a pure lie ever since it's inception, called the so called Declaration of Independence (for White, Christian, Landholding, Educated, Males, no one else need apply)
"We the People"
Are you laughing yet?
what they meant when they wrote it and what it means to us now are not necessarily the same thing...the ideas are good, we just need to make sure they apply to everyone...
black, white, yellow, brown, male, female, straight, gay, republican or democrat...everyone...EVERYONE gets the same treatment...or we're all hypocrites...
one of my biggest personal problems is that i sometimes use other's behavior to justify my own bad behavior....I am responsible for my choices...it does not matter how other people choose to live, or what they choose to do. I have to do what I do, for my own reasons, on my own responsibility....
what others have done in the past no longer matters, what i do now, what you do now...matters...