Why are they looking purple?


New Member
I was just curious if it could be a deficiency of something man. I'm a newbie. Gotta ask questions.

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Well-Known Member
Biggest piece of advice with no offense, chill on her. Newbie tendency, been guilty myself, is to overdue it and kill the plants with love, literally.

I recently had some issues with small plants. I almost starting trying do shit to fix it. Then I relaxed, relied of my experience (only three real grows) and took it easy. Plants are in LST heaven and doing great.

BTW - I don't see any purple :-)


Well-Known Member
Biggest piece of advice with no offense, chill on her. Newbie tendency, been guilty myself, is to overdue it and kill the plants with love, literally.

I recently had some issues with small plants. I almost starting trying do shit to fix it. Then I relaxed, relied of my experience (only three real grows) and took it easy. Plants are in LST heaven and doing great.

BTW - I don't see any purple :-)
Perfect advice in every way!! Take it to heart.


Well-Known Member
Is it Purple Haze :grin:. Na Im just kiddin bro, I was the same way and am still guilty of it now. I keep having to remind myself that they're just weeds. Happy growing man


Well-Known Member
I have learned something that pot wants you to do when growing indoors or out. Leave it alone.

Most people fuck up their weed by fucking with it, let it be. I recently helped a friend grow his first. When he' done I asked him how he did it. He told me that he didn't do much because he was afraid to hurt it. I told him that was the biggest reason he got the plant to finish.


Active Member
I sprouted 10 new seeds and atleast 7 had purple stems when they first broke surface. After about a week or 2 it disappeared. I've also grown plants where the stalk is almost all purple or has purple streaks in it through out the entire grow they did just fabulous.

Just do like the rest of them said.. relax, breath, make sure your lighting and everything is good. Just let it run its course :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, just chillax. I know a girl who doesn't even open up her grow area for a day or two between waterings. I guess it's hard starting out to not be a daily worrier. Like a new Mom, first kid she is just a basket case. By the 4th kid it's like old hat.