Why are you single?


Well-Known Member
I'm single & don't plan to change, but i do like married woman a lot....trouble belong to somebody else, I'm only in for short term pleasure & like bees i prefer to go from flower to flower taste as many as possible.


Well-Known Member
too many psycho bitches round my parts. im also fine with bein single ive always been they type that didnt need a woman to enjoy life.


Well-Known Member
I'm single at the moment because the right person hasn't really come along at this stage.
Pure and simple.


Well-Known Member
well you all know why i am single.
but ive been doing alot of hard thinking from the other night and decided to stop trying and focus on my schooling, my internship, my health. And even though I crave a relationship, I have been really hurt, and ive never even been in a real relationship. Maybe when i stop working and searching for it, it will come to me.


Well-Known Member
well you all know why i am single.
but ive been doing alot of hard thinking from the other night and decided to stop trying and focus on my schooling, my internship, my health. And even though I crave a relationship, I have been really hurt, and ive never even been in a real relationship. Maybe when i stop working and searching for it, it will come to me.
yeah stop trying.. It'll come to you.


Well-Known Member
I'm 30 married a few years starting my family, oh yeah my wife is pretty hot too. Here's what I say to you single guys!! STAY SINGLE! I now day dream of all the pussy I used to get when I lived alone in my bachelor pad! That is all... Get paid and get laid !!
Yep. Did you know that scientists recently discovered a food item that, when consumed by women, permanently reduces the sex drive by over 90%? This food is known as wedding cake...


Well-Known Member
well you all know why i am single.
but ive been doing alot of hard thinking from the other night and decided to stop trying and focus on my schooling, my internship, my health. And even though I crave a relationship, I have been really hurt, and ive never even been in a real relationship. Maybe when i stop working and searching for it, it will come to me.
I don't know why you are single. Do tell...


Well-Known Member
I don't know why you are single. Do tell...
um ok so to be brief. I am very overweight, and act like a doormat (to make guys happy) so guys really dont want me, and those who say they do always end vanishing out of my life or meeting someone else before we get together. Then Ive only kissed one guy and spent 8 months trying to please him and acted like his gf except he refused to date me or sleep with me but like I would do all the gf stuff when we spent time together. Then he just stopped talking to me for no reason. So that is why I am single. And never had a bf
Im going to stop trying and looking and just try to be happy