Why are you voting for Jill Stein?

yep, more like a capitalist dystopia with his private prisons.
How does going after the Drug War help with private prisons?? Also he is against war certainly not the most libertarian of all but he certainly sounds like a step in the right direction if the libertarian party does good it will have another good chance in 8 years or he will be out in 4. He's better than Hillary and Trump IMHO Jill may be alright but has no chance because she will not be on the ballot in all 50 states.
Johnson is a flip flopper. He seems great until you hear him speak

Stein is green party and pro cannabis

neither have a chance. Voting for them will just split the Hillary vote and will insure Trump's win so might as well vote for Trump.
Is Trump really worse than Hillary? I see bad in both personally. Jill and Johnson ain't perfect but they are better than both Trump and Hillary.
Yes, TRUMP! Is a much bigger threat than Hillary.
How so? The Democrats are building up a huge force on the Russian border pushing anti Russian propaganda. Do you honestly think every time we get hacked it's Russia? Never North Korea never China always Russia with no proof to back up the claims.

Trump wants to have good relations with Russia Hillary don't I will take a piece of shit wall over war with Russia any day. I have no problem with Russia I do have a problem with Saudi Arabia though but Saudi Arabia has donated a ton of money into the Clinton Foundation.

Trump is much better IMHO.
How so? The Democrats are building up a huge force on the Russian border pushing anti Russian propaganda. Do you honestly think every time we get hacked it's Russia? Never North Korea never China always Russia with no proof to back up the claims.

Trump wants to have good relations with Russia Hillary don't I will take a piece of shit wall over war with Russia any day. I have no problem with Russia I do have a problem with Saudi Arabia though but Saudi Arabia has donated a ton of money into the Clinton Foundation.

Trump is much better IMHO.
What does that mean?
It means that I am appalled at your system of values and willingness to believe the party propaganda. It means I am disgusted by the Republican party's newfound love of Putin and continued willingness to support dictators to support your own goals.
It means that I am appalled at your system of values and willingness to believe the party propaganda. It means I am disgusted by the Republican party's newfound love of Putin and continued willingness to support dictators to support your own goals.
I meant SMH I see it a bit just never got the memo.

I'm appalled of the love of Saudi Arabia personally they where behind 9/11 they funded Al Qaeda backed the attack Osama was a Saudi Arabian national had no affiliation with the Taliban.

The Saudis are worse than ISIS they funded and armed them as did the Obama regime. I'm appalled just days ago we killed over 120 civilians in a bombing in Syria.

Republicans are not for dictatorships Bush killed one of the worst Saddam Hussein.

I don't like Putin much but we do need to work together against ISIS but all the Obama regime wants is Assad's head. I'm appalled at all the dead civilians over this stupid fucking goal. I'm appalled Obama's regime has us in wars in 9 different nations and civilians are being killed constantly!!

Hillary is not change it's more war, more dead civilians and all. No real effort to prevent climate change just a tax for the consumer to pay not a solution. War over oil when we should be pushing for ethanol, hemp oil and all.

Neither party is for a solution Democrats want to tax Republicans deny.
I meant SMH I see it a bit just never got the memo.

I'm appalled of the love of Saudi Arabia personally they where behind 9/11 they funded Al Qaeda backed the attack Osama was a Saudi Arabian national had no affiliation with the Taliban.

The Saudis are worse than ISIS they funded and armed them as did the Obama regime. I'm appalled just days ago we killed over 120 civilians in a bombing in Syria.

Republicans are not for dictatorships Bush killed one of the worst Saddam Hussein.

I don't like Putin much but we do need to work together against ISIS but all the Obama regime wants is Assad's head. I'm appalled at all the dead civilians over this stupid fucking goal. I'm appalled Obama's regime has us in wars in 9 different nations and civilians are being killed constantly!!

Hillary is not change it's more war, more dead civilians and all. No real effort to prevent climate change just a tax for the consumer to pay not a solution. War over oil when we should be pushing for ethanol, hemp oil and all.

Neither party is for a solution Democrats want to tax Republicans deny.
shaking my head = SMH

I have no love for the Saudis. I went to school with a large number of them including several royal family members. No love whatsoever.

How the hell can you say Hillary represents more war when all of TRUMP!'s "positions" on the matter are more warlike than hers? Does his commitment to illegal torture bother you at all? How about killing the families of suicide bombers?
I'm going to make myself some breakfast. Then I will likely smoke some reefer, followed by a dip in the pool. After which I plan to dust off the bandsaw in the garage and finish a project I started a while back. Then in 4 months I will cast my vote for Hillary Clinton, because I'm an adult and I will set aside my petty differences in order for my nation to not be set back 50 years.
I'm going to make myself some breakfast. Then I will likely smoke some reefer, followed by a dip in the pool. After which I plan to dust off the bandsaw in the garage and finish a project I started a while back. Then in 4 months I will cast my vote for Hillary Clinton, because I'm an adult and I will set aside my petty differences in order for my nation to not be set back 50 years.

i am finishing up a coffee table and end table with hidden drawers today. then making some bar stools. then perhaps taking a gigantic shit. after that i will focus on explaining to @Crab Pot that his penis is tiny, deformed, and not satisfying to women or men. then in 4 months i will also vote for hillary because i have a large, bulbous, erect penis.
Is Trump really worse than Hillary? I see bad in both personally. Jill and Johnson ain't perfect but they are better than both Trump and Hillary.

No Hillary is the worst choice possible. Obama already ran this country into the ground. She will continue that same thing. we are close ro no longer being the super power. Russia and China have increased the size of their armed forces while obama has cut ours back. . The deficit has dropped bit it's still higher than when Bush was in office. People forget obama increased the deficit by 80% his first year in office with the stimulus surplus. Hillary will continue to take over the country. Obama care wasn't designed for affordable health care. which we all know what a crock of shit that was. It was designed so the Govt could take over the health care industry. Which they did. The auto and bail outs were so the Govt could take over the auto industry and so on. The solar investments and climate change talk is so the Govt can control the energy industry. progressivism and fascism is the same thing. Obama and Hillary studied under Sal Salinsky who at one time worked for the Italian mob. He spoke and taught progressivism.
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i am finishing up a coffee table and end table with hidden drawers today. then making some bar stools. then perhaps taking a gigantic shit. after that i will focus on explaining to @Crab Pot that his penis is tiny, deformed, and not satisfying to women or men. then in 4 months i will also vote for hillary because i have a large, bulbous, erect penis.

You know what's coming......

People keep insisting Trump is worse than Clinton yet offer no reason as to why exactly this is their belief. I don't exactly agree with all of the arguments as to why Clinton is is the worst choice, but I do agree she is the worst and at least there are coherent arguments along with these assertions.

Trump will have little effect, he'll be gone in four without getting anything done aside from keeping the Democratic party from seizing full control of the gov't. Besides, Clinton already stole an election in 2016.