Why Are You/We So Stupid?


Well-Known Member

Old clip, but still relevant.

We're one of the dumbest people on the planet. How is this possible considering how wealthy we are comparatively?

What is keeping most of us retarded?


Total Head

Well-Known Member
that clip sucks. clearly they were someplace in the south.

"let's try to present an unbiased sample of american knowingness, but let's make sure to interview people from the section of the country with the worst education rankings"

it's like going to maine to get the "african-american perspective".

i'm american and had no trouble with those questions. how many sides does a triangle have? fucking seriously? those people were hand picked, right down to the state they lived in.
I'm a bit confused by the start of the clip where the guy says " ... asking US locals about the very world their country runs"

Seriously, the US runs the world now? couldn't run a fucking raffle without screwing it up.

The US doesn't "run" the world, but it's certainly gone a long way towards ruining it.


Well-Known Member
I think the basic premise still holds true, though. As a people, collectively, we're fucking idiots. At the bottom of every intelligence quotient list in every measurable survey. Why is that? How is that possible? We have the most out of any country, why are we so damn dumb when considering the statistics?


Total Head

Well-Known Member
I think the basic premise still holds true, though. As a people, collectively, we're fucking idiots. At the bottom of every intelligence quotient list in every measurable survey. Why is that? How is that possible? We have the most out of any country, why are we so damn dumb when considering the statistics?

exactly who is this "we" you speak of? i think it's pretty simple. the more rural your area, the more isolated you tend to be. the US is over 80% rural but has less than 22% of the population living in rural areas. am i supposed to consider billybob from derpville, mississippi a true representation of americans? that's ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
exactly who is this "we" you speak of? i think it's pretty simple. the more rural your area, the more isolated you tend to be. the US is over 80% rural but has less than 22% of the population living in rural areas. am i supposed to consider billybob from derpville, mississippi a true representation of americans? that's ridiculous.

"We" is anyone with American citizenship.

What do you mean by "rural"?

Unfortunately, we have to consider Billybob's opinion, it has equal value when considering voting power. The question then becomes, what makes Billybob so damn stupid to vote for something against his and his families best interest?


Well-Known Member
Come on.

That's a heavily edited clip designed to convey a particular impression. With the point of the clip to show that Americans are stupid, of course that's what its going to show. Where are the people who knew the answers to those questions? Edited out.

The fact that YOU know the answers means that not every American is so stupid that they don't, right?

Its not South/North, rural/urban, either. There are dumb F'in idiots in every major city in the USA, including the Northeast. Go spend some time in Brooklyn, Philly, Chicago, etc, and tell me there are no boneheads there. There are also smart people pretty much everywhere, though obviously you're going to have fewer of them in less densely populated areas.

I guarantee you, you could go to lots of places in Rural bumblescrew USA, and still get correct answers to all those questions. . .so long as you asked the right persons.

I could go to Mobile Alabama in and in twenty minutes find 20 people who each knew every answer to all those questions.

Conversely, you could ask similar questions of all sorts of people in the world, and you'd equally boneheaded answers.

I've been to Western Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and I can assure you, its not as if there are nothing but "brain surgeons" are walking the streets there, either.

In fact, if you want to compare prevalence of what might be termed "crackpot" beliefs, I think Americans are actually pretty resistant to those sorts of things, as compared to much of the world.

Total Head

Well-Known Member

"We" is anyone with American citizenship.

What do you mean by "rural"?

Unfortunately, we have to consider Billybob's opinion, it has equal value when considering voting power. The question then becomes, what makes Billybob so damn stupid to vote for something against his and his families best interest?
by rural i mean country land, farm land, stretched out anti-urban land, land with "like minded folks who stick with their own", non-diverse in population land, land where the sherrif, medical examiner, fire chief and mayor are the same guy, and "that's how folks like it". billybob can vote all he wants, i still don't consider him "us". to me, he's "them", as in people who don't share my views, wants, or needs. his citizenship is an arbitrary criterion unless someone is trying to paint a deliberate picture and hand picking "americans" to answer questions to prove how "dumb" we are.


Well-Known Member
I would have killed those questions and I know most or at least some of my peers should be just fine too. Those people were just plain uneducated and dumb but they shouldn't and just don't truly represent the majority of American (at least I fucking hope not!)


Well-Known Member
Come on.

That's a heavily edited clip designed to convey a particular impression. With the point of the clip to show that Americans are stupid, of course that's what its going to show. Where are the people who knew the answers to those questions? Edited out.

The fact that YOU know the answers means that not every American is so stupid that they don't, right?

Its not South/North, rural/urban, either. There are dumb F'in idiots in every major city in the USA, including the Northeast. Go spend some time in Brooklyn, Philly, Chicago, etc, and tell me there are no boneheads there. There are also smart people pretty much everywhere, though obviously you're going to have fewer of them in less densely populated areas.

I guarantee you, you could go to lots of places in Rural bumblescrew USA, and still get correct answers to all those questions. . .so long as you asked the right persons.

I could go to Mobile Alabama in and in twenty minutes find 20 people who each knew every answer to all those questions.

Conversely, you could ask similar questions of all sorts of people in the world, and you'd equally boneheaded answers.

I've been to Western Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and I can assure you, its not as if there are nothing but "brain surgeons" are walking the streets there, either.

In fact, if you want to compare prevalence of what might be termed "crackpot" beliefs, I think Americans are actually pretty resistant to those sorts of things, as compared to much of the world.

But if you look at the statistics, they basically say that based on America's youth, they come up far shorter on intelligence tests than their European or Asian counterparts. In significant numbers, numbers that led me to create the thread, troubling numbers.

by rural i mean country land, farm land, stretched out anti-urban land, land with "like minded folks who stick with their own", non-diverse in population land, land where the sherrif, medical examiner, fire chief and mayor are the same guy, and "that's how folks like it". billybob can vote all he wants, i still don't consider him "us". to me, he's "them", as in people who don't share my views, wants, or needs. his citizenship is an arbitrary criterion unless someone is trying to paint a deliberate picture and hand picking "americans" to answer questions to prove how "dumb" we are.

Again, your consideration isn't required for his vote to matter. If they have more people who you view as "them", then what you think and how you vote is essentially meaningless. That's even if you accept the current voting practices to begin with.

American's, comparatively, are dumber than much of the rest of the world. It's highly unusual because of our scientific advancements and medical breakthroughs, etc.

Why is this?


Well-Known Member
by rural i mean country land, farm land, stretched out anti-urban land, land with "like minded folks who stick with their own", non-diverse in population land, land where the sherrif, medical examiner, fire chief and mayor are the same guy, and "that's how folks like it". billybob can vote all he wants, i still don't consider him "us". to me, he's "them", as in people who don't share my views, wants, or needs. his citizenship is an arbitrary criterion unless someone is trying to paint a deliberate picture and hand picking "americans" to answer questions to prove how "dumb" we are.
It never fails to amaze me how much the people who believe that they are the smart ones subscribe to hoary stereotypes about stupid Southerners, etc. What makes you think that someone from rural Alabama doesn't share any desires with you, let alone that his citizenship is any more "arbitrary" than your own?

Did you notice in the video above that several of the questions were asked with the WHITE HOUSE in the background? (A few of us stupid Southerners remember what it looks like, because we tried to burn it down during the War of Northern Aggression).

Last I checked, Washington DC is one of those Northern East Coast Cities where the SMART ELITE ("so called") live.

Did you notice the BEACH in the background and/or the Starbucks? Somehow I don't think these are "bubba" rural places where the questions are being asked.


Well-Known Member

"We" is anyone with American citizenship.

What do you mean by "rural"?

Unfortunately, we have to consider Billybob's opinion, it has equal value when considering voting power. The question then becomes, what makes Billybob so damn stupid to vote for something against his and his families best interest?
Sorry lol but 22% isn't equal to 78% and when there only asking that 22% it's just stupid


Well-Known Member
i hate the govt it is being run by bankers...in fact the WORLD is being run by bankers and the us WILL fail just like germany did and we will give way to another country that will take over as the super power and im fine with this because im a realist and no what, the us has become a joke!!!! i live here i should no


Well-Known Member
It never fails to amaze me how much the people who believe that they are the smart ones subscribe to hoary stereotypes about stupid Southerners, etc. What makes you think that someone from rural Alabama doesn't share any desires with you, let alone that his citizenship is any more "arbitrary" than your own?

Did you notice in the video above that several of the questions were asked with the WHITE HOUSE in the background? (A few of us stupid Southerners remember what it looks like, because we tried to burn it down during the War of Northern Aggression).

Last I checked, Washington DC is one of those Northern East Coast Cities where the SMART ELITE ("so called") live.

Did you notice the BEACH in the background and/or the Starbucks? Somehow I don't think these are "bubba" rural places where the questions are being asked.
You are completely right that that's not the only type of people living out in the middle of nowhere but that's doesn't mean the people he's talking about arnt out there as well! Iv met plenty of them but just as said before these types of people come in all shapes and sizes and from every corner of the country and globe