why aren't black people more grateful to whites for slavery?

I apologize for talking over your pinhead, again, Pinworm. Please continue your inane babbling, and internet gesticulating, punctuated by cannabis fueled sophomoric penis humor all the while obsessing over your fantasies of successfully bagging a bedeviling sasquatch.
I can see your ass is itchy. That is coz live inside your anus. It's awful roomy in here.
You asked me which laws I think should be changed. It's ok, I don't blame you for thinking in the narrow way that most Trump supporters do.

My opinion is honestly too radical for you. I'm here to criticize you, not give my opinion.
How do you suggest we fix the problem without enforcing, altering or creating laws?
where is jamungaland on a map?
It's deep, deep within his sour and racist heart.
no! It's right next to jumanji!!!
Heard that 20 years ago. Dont quit your day job.

People put up with the riots and the bullshit because it has never crossed society's tolerance threshold. Many think its kinda funny when people burn down their own neighborhoods cause they angry bout something. Like a child all pissed off and losing control, so they slam their toy on the floor and watch it break in two. Then they hold it up teary eyed asking for help fixing it cuz they just broke their shit and have no idea how to put it back together.

You angry bout some rich white folk, but what the fuck do you really think would happen if the people you so angry at actually felt threatened? Hide and let you burn their house down? Beg for mercy?
Fuck, if they are half as evil as you attempt to portray them, then shit will get real, real quick. I might even get a tv in the house again to watch the show.
I think about this sometimes. Like if the people with all the power/money wanted to oppress the rest of us. They have the means and ability to do it without to many setback me thinks.

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