why aren't black people more grateful to whites for slavery?

God damn you're dumb as a bag of hammers. You said that white people ended slavery, I argued they expanded it.

Try to keep up ya dumb racist shit stain.
Sack of hammers is perfect tense. Any junior high drop out knows that. You obviously weren't yelled at much by your father as a child.
I have. My African American studies professor in college. She about shit a brick.

I told her too slave reparations were a good idea. The wealth of southern whites was confiscated by the government without compensation. So all southern white people who's ancestors had wealth stolen through emancipation should be compensated.

Mind you I don't hold that view. It was just a satirical response to her claim that reparations should be paid. My claim is more legally supportable than hers.

you told the same tale back when you were bignbushy.
What you jealous? :bigjoint: Johnson!!
You realize your vote for Trump is you backing a trust fund baby that is trying to convince poor people to vote for a rich cunt by telling the poor people that the other poor people are the reason that they are poor? You do realize that, right?
You realize your vote for Trump is you backing a trust fund baby that is trying to convince poor people to vote for a rich cunt by telling the poor people that the other poor people are the reason that they are poor? You do realize that, right?
Do you realize I'm probably going to vote for Johnson? He wants to legalize marijuana, Hitlary just wants to kill Syrians like Obomber....