why arent my seedlings growing?


Well-Known Member
Dont see any roots. And the stem is so small I cant imagine a plant that small having a root system like that with out any top growth. The seedlings are still healthy and happy. Maby theyre stunted. Ive had clones stop growing on me and some never come out of it. I waited a month and a half for 4 plants that stopped growing but came back and went on to be healthy plants.
As I said though all my bases are covered. As far as I can tell Im providing everything they need in an indoor environment to thrive. But thier not. A learning experience in the making!


Well-Known Member
transplanted the smallest one into its veg container and saw no sign of it being root bound. the seedlings are doing fantastic except theyre not growing. Something told me theseseeds were gonna fuck-up some how. Im ordering new ones from Dr. Chronic next week. Fuck waiting for plants that are stunted for no reason. Next theyre probably going to start turning yellow then probly die. :wall:


Well-Known Member
took the 400 watt off of the seedlings and replaced it with 2 t5 54 watt cool whites with reflectors. Im gonna see what happens. But doesnt more light=more growth? I honestly dont see how putting them under t5's is going to do them better. Ya never know though. If they start growing i'll move the 400 watt back in there and use my 2 t5's. 508 watts is bad ass.


Well-Known Member
hey good luck with the new lights and keep us updated on your plants! those t5's and cfl's been working for us, they'll do good for you!


ps - let us know how dr. chronic's service was, we're curious!


Well-Known Member
Just ordered a pack of spoetnik #1 x5 fems and a pack of regular purple #1 from dr. Im just realizing the potential of my entire grow set up and I dont see why I cant harvest a lb every 2 months so now Im all about genetics and learning how to care for seedlings. Ive never cloned either so I have yet to get a light for the mothers and learn how to make healthy clones.
anyway- my seedlings look all waterlogged except the seedling that was transplanted to the larger container. Shes definately coming out of it I think. So I transplanted the rest of the seedlings into ocean forrest soil and 1 gallon containers. We'll see how they do in another 4 days. Maby I'll turn the 400 MH on them again.



Well-Known Member
you should use the flouros while their seedlings so you can get it in there nice and close. some srains cant handle the intesity of an MH this early on.

Lil Tyke

Active Member
heres the picture I took today of them. What do you think? I saw another guys plants at 18 days from seed and they just blew mine away and my plants are almost the same age. Is this bad luck? They started out doing so good and now theyre still hella tiny.
Hey mine looked the same here they are at 20 days pic 1 and here they are today at 52 days pic 2. placed under 400w hps from day 16. now at nine days on 12/12. and 20" high. BE PATIENT my fellow grower and all will be revealed in the next few months. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Ya got holes in the cups? Ya maybe drowning them. Let them dry out a little.

They are small for the age.

The light is not the problem. The problem is with in the soil. Too much water,not enough water,no drainage.


Well-Known Member
no, they have proper drainage, I dont give them that much water and they are in fox farm light warrior soil thats acctually for seedlings and cuttings And I transplanted into ff ocean forrest.


Well-Known Member
its been 1 week since putting the seedlings under the 2 54 watt t5 and there has been some but very little growth. incedentally the seedling that was transplanted out of the cups first grew alot faster than the others and is quite bigger.
I fed them .3-0-0 light spray and yesterday added a few drops of superthrive to the water(which is always properly PH'd).


Active Member
Hey there... hope you have seen some growth since the last post. Can you update us on them little bad boys... mine are only 4 days old and I'm already a bit worried myself that this may happen to me as well. I'd like to try to avoid this problem early if possible...

Also for seedlings I'm considering 2 parts perlite and 1 part soil for my next batch of seedlings. Currently I have 1 part perlite and 2 parts soil.
I think it will make it much easier for the roots to grow if the soil isn't so compacted around the tiny weak little seedling root systems.

Any new news... I hope those little guys took off for you and you didn't end up pitching them?


Well-Known Member
2 fully grown 2 ft. plants were put in flowering the 27th aug. and 2 2ft plants were put into flowering on sep. 1. 3 are approaching 2 ft tall in veg and my mother is over 2 ft. I am however having the same problems with some other seedlings. I guess the only thing to do is be patient and wait and they'll grow.