Why bash Islam?

The funny part is that they're doing EXACTLY what their religion tells them to do. Its the ones NOT blowing themselves up that are not following the teachings.

This would be a more tenable position if the religion's mainstream leaders (mullahs, imams, ayatollahs et al.) were just a little more vigorous in their denouncement and shunning of the extremists and assorted jihadis. cn
This would be a more tenable position if the religion's mainstream leaders (mullahs, imams, ayatollahs et al.) were just a little more vigorous in their denouncement and shunning of the extremists and assorted jihadis. cn
They do. All the time they tell ppl to not even associate with extremist or face banishment from the mosque.
I am going to put on my Turban of Unearthly Power and predict that this thread will be shifted to SS&P by tomorrow. cn
I have no problem with Islam or people who believe in their faith. Just the radicals ones and there are a lot of them.
When the good Muslim's won't confront the radicals. It spills over onto all of us.
Hell, the Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims are always killing each other. Because, they disagree on there own religion.
Go figure....very sad
My list is bigger than yours. It's also viewed by billions of terrorists on a daily basis. Until it's removed from their "holy" (thats a huge stretch btw) books nothing will change.

Btw you should have linked to this: http://kurzman.unc.edu/islamic-statements-against-terrorism/
It's better formatted.

I wish that pastor went through with his "burn a quran" day. I'd take it off from work every year.
One quran was burned by accident and got dozens of troops killed for no reason. America didn't do shit about it. Just like they wouldn't do shit about it again. Think before you speak. There are americans stuck over in the middle east right now in a complete stale mate because they thought that they were fighting for a good cause. Now they are forced to suffer and die over stupid ass decisions like 'burn a quran a day' preacher. If you hate them so much, go join the military and "fight the good fight" bro cause I promise you with an attitude like that nobody wants your dumbs around. Not even the military.
adolph hitler or ben laden. kill one fuck one.

Kill Hitler. Rape Bin Ladin with my dick covered in bacon. He would be disgraced and couldn't enter into heaven to diddle his 72 virgins. The virgins will bless me for it.

By the way, I don't hate Islam. The Qur'an is a beautiful document. I hate extremists.