Why bash Islam?

Ludacris is a person who pretends to be a musician.
The English word you seek is "ludicrous". cn

He may have been working that angle... C'mon I know you remember when t.i dissed ludacris...

Pimp squad, g unit, f**k who you get
ask your nieces and your nephews who the s**t
real n****s see the difference 'tween you and this
me getting beat down? That's lud(acris/icrous)

Shit son!!!
why do people bash Christianity? I'm sure the reason is similar if not the same..... but your guess is as good as i mine, mine guess is fear.
They bash Christians, because we are the largest and most oppressive religion ther is. Ever heard of the 100year war or the Crusades. I am a christian who believes in evolution. That's a sin according to the Bible. But why should I believe in anything written by men and then changed by other men to assist their goals. I believe in very little of the bible. I believe and have excepted Jesus Christ as my savior. Now according to the bible, I just have to be a good man, and good to my fellow man. Dont rob or steal, no murder no rape, love my parents and neighbor and i will live for eternity. No virgins, besides I love my wife and would be happy to spend eternity with her. That people is why they hate me, a humble christian who fears his God, but not his son, because he has forgiven me and he will be sitting next to God when i am judged. And when we are done, I will ask Jesus, "Where's the good shit, my lord."
Because this ^^^

I can respect your Religion but c'mon every post I see from you is full of scripture and other weird shit

probably 3% of my posts talk about religion, why mention every post?

I try to put forth knowledge to extinguish stereotypes and open people to the reality of my religion. It's quite natural to use knowledge as an intangible defensive mechanism towards some ignorant people.
why do people bash Christianity? I'm sure the reason is similar if not the same..... but your guess is as good as i mine, mine guess is fear.

Funny because I always thought fear was the reason people swallowed up religion not hated it.

I think Hitchens once said religion will always be around so long as people fear death. That's true some, but wilful ignorance is pretty annoying to most of the logical world. What's funny is most Christians in retorts against atheists always mention the big bang (which isn't even mutually exclusive to atheism) like its completely ludicrous, yet 900 year old Noah and the virgin Mary etc are perfectly reasonable because a book said so. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic. I live on this earth comfortable with Christians but only because I know in 1000s of years they'll be laughing at the notion of god.
Perhaps its not really the religions fault for the bad press, maybe its the cultures that subscribe to it, murdering your daughter/sister cause she was raped seems pretty fucked up to me.
It seems like alot of ppl still buy into the media hype that muslims are all terrorists just waiting to blow shit up. Thats ridiculous. Whoever supports this ludacris idea is ignorant im sorry. You cant generalize everyone in an entire religion.

This happens all the time. It is always the few who ruin it for the many.
Ignorance is bliss... hope you enjoy it.

If it has a god... it is a religion...

I'm not saying that people don't make their religion their way of life... as that is what religion does, require you live a certain way... but either way it is still a religion... You might find ignorance to be blissful my friend but I tend not to agree with you on that one...
Cut Throat that is completely untrue. I can read and write arabic, have studied the quran and theology since the 90's. The holy quran forbids terrorism and before you take a twisted translation thats completely innacurate, or post some other ridiculous fallacy understand this, arabic has literally a hundred words just for 'lion', for you to understand and comprehend not only a language as beautiful and complex as arabic and a text of the magnitude of the holy quran is impossible unless you can speak and read arabic or have a religous scholar on hand to lend you a hand.
Ever thought about learning what the words mean then..?

Nope. I have absolutely no doubt that there is nothing like the god everyone speaks of. Get out of that box is all I`m gonna say, its captivating. Its like how you get caught in a bad relationship with someone but have no idea what else is going on :)
Cut Throat that is completely untrue. I can read and write arabic, have studied the quran and theology since the 90's. The holy quran forbids terrorism and before you take a twisted translation thats completely innacurate, or post some other ridiculous fallacy understand this, arabic has literally a hundred words just for 'lion', for you to understand and comprehend not only a language as beautiful and complex as arabic and a text of the magnitude of the holy quran is impossible unless you can speak and read arabic or have a religous scholar on hand to lend you a hand.

You're tainted. Have fun with your cult. Please drink as much of the kool-aid as you can.