Why cannabis vape pens and concentrates are illegal

Look here compadre, View attachment 4185081 you don’t have to be so upset. Any and all products grown for the masses are sprayed with one thing or another. Not just cannabis. Get over it. All I’m trying to say is if you want to smoke the best cleanest meds around grow your own.
upset? haha..not even close.
you are spouting crap without proof.
grow your own is a great idea but what do you do if you can not? just die? give it up....
all you're trying to say is conspiracy theories without any proof....except you had a bad experience so the whole country must be bad..everyone and everything. really????
sorry you had a bad experience but the rest of Canada is not like where you are.
you still don't even get how off your message is-dispensaries spray their product when they do not even grow so they have nothing to do with "putting crap in their medicine"
yes, growing your own anything is better than buying it. you know what's in it from start to finish
quit with the fear mongering and reefer madness. we fight that everyday with the Government. we don't need it in the cannabis community
“Their medicine”??? Now your taking us to a whole new ballgame. Marijuana is not “medicine” people smoke weed to feel high,comfortable etc. Getting waisted on boos and coke gets me high and comfortable so can I call that medicine too? Or only if it’s accepted by the government?
Insulin for a kid with diabetes is medicine. Cbd oil for a kid with siezures is medicine.
You smoking your pot in your pipe for what ever reason is not MEDICINE! I promise you can live without it.
you do know you're in a medical forum? we ARE patients.
if i can live without it, what is my illness? you must know if you say something like that
where do you get your mis-information from??
you say dispensaries spray when they don't grow. you say cannabis isn't medicine when you're in a medicinal cannabis forum.
what are you and why are you here? just to sling crap? if so...good job.
if you smoke it to get high, how did you buy from a dispensary? the legit ones make you show proof of illness or membership at another one in order to buy. no wonder you got crap...you bought from a shady one.
maybe you should leave this up to the adults who know what they are talking about. you have proven yourself clueless a few times here.
still waiting on your proof dispensaries spray on their products....or that they even grow. there's no way you can have proof because you haven't been to a real dispensary.
go to a rec forum if you want to talk rec...we are here to discuss the medical side of cannabis and how we use it to function daily. not interested in your recreation smoking stories...that's not what a MEDICAL forum is about....geez
“Their medicine”??? Now your taking us to a whole new ballgame. Marijuana is not “medicine” people smoke weed to feel high,comfortable etc. Getting waisted on boos and coke gets me high and comfortable so can I call that medicine too? Or only if it’s accepted by the government?
Insulin for a kid with diabetes is medicine. Cbd oil for a kid with siezures is medicine.
You smoking your pot in your pipe for what ever reason is not MEDICINE! I promise you can live without it.
Kid with seizures can live without CBD. Their quality of life would be drastically diminished, but they survive.

I guess that's a good thing why medicine isn't defined as something you need in order to live.

Marijuana isn't what I need to live, but it vastly enhances my quality of life as it deals with conditions/symptoms that would otherwise have to be treated with prescriptions that are far worse for my health and overall quality of life.
yeah....you know nothing about me....fuck off fuktard!!!!!

I think this was the answer he was looking for.
“Their medicine”??? Now your taking us to a whole new ballgame. Marijuana is not “medicine” people smoke weed to feel high,comfortable etc. Getting waisted on boos and coke gets me high and comfortable so can I call that medicine too? Or only if it’s accepted by the government?
Insulin for a kid with diabetes is medicine. Cbd oil for a kid with siezures is medicine.
You smoking your pot in your pipe for what ever reason is not MEDICINE! I promise you can live without it.
and you know this how (:

go blow your non sense at someone who thinks what ya have to say is worth something :idea:
heard it all young one!
Stick around and LEARN something rather than spout off what ....................YOU DONT KNOW
just sayin

cheers not knowing ears.