why cant i view classifieds?


Well-Known Member
There is no CLASSIFIED section. There are no posts and no views. Just an area for future use.


Well-Known Member
A long time ago when rollitup was still rather new their was a thing called elite. To make your account an elite you had to make a donation to rollitup.org. it gave you perks like the elite boards, being able to give negative rep, being able to choose what it says under your username, your username would also be red instead of black(back then normal members names were in black) and some others im probably forgetting. Elite is dead. it is not coming back ever as far as ive heard.


Well-Known Member
Everybody lost something. Some more than others. If I didn't already do drugs I'd definitely be taking them now.
the wtrf was not meant for admin and i dont want admin to think i was being rude. i am just wondering what happened to my grow thread.....i wanted to continue onto it. so if admin does read this and sees this maybe they can tell me what happened to it....i really dont want to start a whole new thread, and lose everything i learned from the last thread.....thanks admin hope you can help me out.


Well-Known Member
you can check google cache for a copy of your journal. alot of info was lost. vbulletein was hacked and alll sites using it lost data(this being one of them). sorry. nothing we could do.