why cant the "right" put toghther mass protest compared to the "left"?

So if "or" applies, then you are attributing that statement directly to me.
You understand your mistake now?

does it bother you that i couldn't quite remember which GOPer told me?

and how often do you feel this lack of "control"?

lack of control and obsession often go hand in hand.
yeah but as long as minorities are dems, the poor white southerner will still identify with the wealthy because of the race card.

GOP is the white mans good ol' boys club..everyone know this..but ask a poor white southerner why they identify? they won't even know.
Not all minorities are Dems. Still trying to promote the meme that all conservatives are racist, I see.
Been getting texts from my sister who is stuck in a traffic jam on I-75 every 10 minutes. I think she's getting a little frustrated. My dog is wanting me to take her for a walk. What's up with you?
Been getting texts from my sister who is stuck in a traffic jam on I-75 every 10 minutes. I think she's getting a little frustrated. My dog is wanting me to take her for a walk. What's up with you?

sleepy. i had a class this morning at 8am. and it rained here badly, roads flooded by school.
look who the wind blew in..'sup red?

well considering the GOP is nothing but a bunch of wealthy old white men and poor white southern trash?..i'm going with yes, they are racist!

good catch red!!!
Dr Ben Carson is running for the GOP nomination. Neither wealthy old white man or poor white southern trash. So perhaps you are ignoring what you don't want to see?
Dr Ben Carson is running for the GOP nomination. Neither wealthy old white man or poor white southern trash. So perhaps you are ignoring what you don't want to see?

isn't he the guy who said that health insurance reform is the worst thing to happen to america since slavery?

he's one inner city detroit THUG who i will not be voting for.
Dr Ben Carson is running for the GOP nomination. Neither wealthy old white man or poor white southern trash. So perhaps you are ignoring what you don't want to see?

yeah i saw that.

there are black republicans..not many but they exist.
yeah i saw that.

there are black republicans..not many but they exist.
Some of the blacks I know are actually pretty conservative, but still lean Democratic, because of the Democrats succesful campaign to portray Pubs as racist. They are surprised to hear Robert Byrd was a Klan member, George Wallace was a Democrat, and John Kerrys father (and Democrats in general) voted against the Civil Rights Act. Congratulations on a succesful disinformation campaign
Some of the blacks I know are actually pretty conservative, but still lean Democratic, because of the Democrats succesful campaign to portray Pubs as racist. They are surprised to hear Robert Byrd was a Klan member, George Wallace was a Democrat, and John Kerrys father (and Democrats in general) voted against the Civil Rights Act. Congratulations on a succesful disinformation campaign

disinformation campaign?

lullerskates. i guess you missed last election with newt gingrich calling obama the food stamp president, romney telling folks that no one ever asked to see his brth certificate and spreading lies about welfare, rick santorum not wanting to help b;laaaaaa people, and rawn pawl, perennial racist, heading up the rear.

fucking jackass troll.
Actually, I have found it to be the opposite. I have found that most of the bloggers on, say Yahoo, are staunch conservatives, which leads me to believe they do nothing but sit on their asses all day and bitch about how the world is changing around them (I can do that because I grow). But generally, historically, all conservatives have done is slow down the development of humankind. As a matter of fact, give me one example of a positive contribution to society that a conservative made. I will give you an example of a progressive, Galileo, that changed the world, in spite of all the Conservative oppression. So, come on all you right wingers, give me one, just one conservative that was worth fucking any thing. Can't, can ya.

Atilla the Hun.
Winston Churchill.
Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Ronald Reagan.
Kid Rock.
