what exactly have YOU done to make a change? please enlighten us all.

never stated that i did make a change and i'm trying to figure out how this post relates to my quote but, if anyone were to actually look at the documentary which details 100 years of our countries involvement in "false flagging" you would know i was furnishing knowledge about such a history, which is neglected by the media(fox news to be specific), text books, and US(me included) as a society in general. if one person actually looks at the documentary maybe they'll become enlightened and change. that my friend is one contribution i have made for change. enlighten-to furnish knowledge,
A moonbat is one given to outrageous conspiracy theories. I expect more from such a gifted, master-debater as yourself. What am I ignorant of exactly? Be specific.
The only way you avoid me is the whiney-pussy way: the ignore feature. Failing that. Ha FUCKING Ha!
In one post you insulted women and people who shop at Goodwill which means poor people I suppose. I do go to Goodwill on occasion, but I donate more than I've ever purchased. I go there to check out the LP records and books. I once found an LP of the Rolling Stones Exile on Main Street at Goodwill. Score!
okay, i use the term ignorant, because, you chose to have a lack of information. to be more specific, you posted some links to a few 9/11 debunking articles, i read them, in return i asked you to look at the documentary(which is the foundation of the thread topic) and you chose not to but, still you voice your ignorant opinion. which is fine, but, i saw yesterday that you are a troll, enough said. i love women, the goodwill, and even people that don't like me, due to my faith, but that isn't going to stop me from calling a spade a spade. plus, your ignorant posts were blowing my high. ignorant-lacking knowledge or education.
i got love for the goodwill
Never would have figured a tough customer bad-ass like you for a broke-dick.
let's not get ahead of ourselves here buddy. let's be clear, i was diagnosed with a ailment termed as sacroiliitis, after, i got injured playing basketball when i was in the army. i got under cut while in the air and refused to go to the hospital after it happened. i later found out if i didn't turn the way i did i would of shattered my tail bone, but fortunately i didn't. sacroiliitis, is an inflammation of one or both of sacroiliac joints, which connect your lower spine and pelvis. so basically when i do extensive training my back becomes extremely tight with pain. make no mistake about it, i'm a absolute beast physically, my mother ran track for the army, my father was a army ranger, my brother plays professional basketball. i'm sure you have a slight knowledge of genetics, my genes are impeccable, without question, i just get a stiff back after working out or running long distances. broke dick, funny, i got in house pussy and new pussy falling in my lap routinely. riddle me this, with no television when was the last time you seen some?
I don't want to get into some stupid he said she said crap, but here it goes. You do say that those that disagree with you on this particular subject are apart of the "propaganda machine", whatever that means I really don't know anyway? Furthermore, a debate (which you claim you want) should be among like minded people that are open to the others argument, and respect their opinion. You seem to be going quite well by verbally insulting people, and acting like some sort of all knowing enlightened-one. Might I also add that sexist remarks don't always come off as "intelligent" in a debate. I guarantee those of us that are apart of the so called "propaganda machine" are far more open to your argument then you are to ours.... dude. Once again, please do not insult my intelligence by petty mockery of how I wish to speak. So I say again, get off your high horse dude.
Once you are ready, let me know and I'll participate in this so called debate.
I do agree that fox news spews out bullshit daily, I hate watching the station. Its funny how you seem to imply that myself and those that are on the other side of the argument believe in their message?
i know a lot of people on here are high when they comment about topics and sometimes they can misunderstand what they are reading. with that said. your mistaken when you say i implied any one individual as the propaganda machine, my quote was in reference to individuals falling victim to fox news being an entity that spreads rumor and innuendo. but, i see that you agree. like i stated i love women but, all men know that women are hard to argue with, which quite frankly i enjoy, this is fact. let me be clear, i advocate womens empowerment and i've never said anything otherwise.
let's be realistic here, if you didn't look at the video it's impossible to have a constructive debate. without, the video it's apples and oranges. i'm not a conservative or liberal, democrat or republican, i see issues in reality and by fact. the same way a judge sees them in a court room, beit right or wrong.
i was a little frustrated and may have snapped at some of you because, it's obvious that you haven't looked at the video(which is the foundation of the topic) and are simply trolling. FACT. disregard if it doesn't apply