• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?


Well-Known Member
I guess noone has taken a look at past US politics when it came to the world.. We've acted like we've run the show for a long as time, so it was not surprising to see some of those bad politics come and slap us hard in the face.

I think 9/11 happened the way it did because America played World Police to fight the commies and its bit us in the ass.

Personally I do think Iraq was handled wrong, there is a proper way to do shit and bush over-rid it with what he wanted. Bush reminds me of a guy I know from Texas.. Hes all cowboy up, but has never actually fought anyone..

I think these truthers are so focused on the US being wrong they've over looked the actual problems and faults.


Active Member
What kind of questions is this? Of course Bush played a part in 9/11. WTC7 dident fall down from a fucking fire. I don't think Bush directly did the towers but he sure ashell let them do it.

All you people who think it's just a conspiracy and ppl are crazy. Get over yourself, stop believing everything our Government tell us, they lie all the fucking time. I sure as hell want a 3ed party investigation but instead Bush fast-tracked all the trash to China before anyone but the Government got to do residue tests.

It's called fasicsm when the goverment takes intrests of coroprations over the people, and thats exacly what our gov. has been doing for 20 years. Not to mention Iraq is the biggest blunder of lies in history and it will be written that way in the books.

The moral of the story is - The Government answers to the people, not the other way around. Stop being sheep, America as our founding father saw it is no more.
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Active Member
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. y'allcan talk till the sun explodes and we're consumed in a fiery ball of fire. fact ain't shit but something you believe (ex.to many people 'God', or The Creator, etc., is fact. and to others the inexistence of such a force is fact.) so buullllshit, blabber all you want. maybe you should start to move rather than keep butting heads. i mean, we fucked the african, the muslim, the native american, (to name a few off the top of my head). The Persians fucked the middle east, the Romans fucked surrounding cultures, and they in turn fucked the romans. so do what you like, i geuss is what i'm saying, you don't solve these "problems' w. words.



Well-Known Member
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. y'allcan talk till the sun explodes and we're consumed in a fiery ball of fire. fact ain't shit but something you believe (ex.to many people 'God', or The Creator, etc., is fact. and to others the inexistence of such a force is fact.) so buullllshit, blabber all you want. maybe you should start to move rather than keep butting heads. i mean, we fucked the african, the muslim, the native american, (to name a few off the top of my head). The Persians fucked the middle east, the Romans fucked surrounding cultures, and they in turn fucked the romans. so do what you like, i geuss is what i'm saying, you don't solve these "problems' w. words.


GOD is real and Christ lived and lives, fact. Divine intervention is real.


Well-Known Member
I'm reading this as I go along, so I haven't read the thread in its entirety. But, Dick Cheney was the CEO of Haliburton!! If that doesn't throw red flags to a person than I don't know what will.....

If you don't know anything, let me explain some things;

Dick Cheney is the George W Bushs(GWB) vice president(VP).

Haliburton was one of the biggest companies profiteering off of the war in Iraq. They were one of the main contractors. Watch the following vids and you will get a better understanding of these people and companies.

YouTube - Dick Cheney Exposed! - Excellent TV Doc

YouTube - US Troops in Iraq talk about Halliburton & KBR

This is part of the reason why Bush(it goes a lot deeper than just Bush, hes just a stupid puppet) knocked down the towers!! Watch the links people, put the puzzle pieces together. Do you honestly think we are conpiracy "theorists"? ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY.... MAKING THE RICH PEOPLE RICHER AND A REASON WHY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE GOING TO BE PAYING HUGE TAXES THE REST OF OUR LIVES!! WE ARE PAYING (PROPORTIONALLY) MORE TAXES NOW THAN BEFORE THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR WHEN THE COLONIES REVOLTED AGAINST THE OWNEROUS BRITS.

I think this is conspiracy facts!!! This is evidance that the gov't doesn't tell the people about because the media and the gov't are sleeping together! (time to read the rest of the thread :D)

Edit- http://youtube.com/watch?v=CDx5C_6Rf24 Maybe you should ask yourself why the gov't is really adding fluoride into our public water systems! Fluoride is only benificial if used topically to the teeth. Ingestion of fluoride is poisionous and lowers peoples IQ's and makes them more complacent. Ask your dentist if the ingestion of fluoride is beneficial in any way. I just want fluoride in toothpaste and not (most) everything I drink.


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Well-Known Member
Of course bush stood to gain. He's a figurehead who could have made the resulting events take place. Hell the man went to war without congressional approval on the back of the unconstitutional Patriot act. He may be a pawn but he's no minion. He had plenty to gain. You're right though...he set things up for the next person in power;however they're all on the same team. I cannot lie, Barack obama will be our next president, and as a black man I will not be voting for him. He is an air-frame shock test. As much as I wish america was in that frame of mind we're not. Obama is a CFniR puppet who's primary backers are david rockefeller and paul vockler. Both men with significant ties to the FED. Obama is going to push agendas that will slowly disolve the soveriegntey of the United States.
Quoting just because I feel like people should read this again, and I can see the truth in that. As a note, I am not raciest and could care less about gender and race of our POTUS. I look for integrity, like RON PAUL!

Edit- I think I would rather see Obama in office rather than McCain/McMadman because I believe Obama is the lesser of the evils.... IDK, but I know McMadman is a warmonger! Obama, McCain and bush all have bloodlines. http://youtube.com/watch?v=KKHdEZSK9VU&feature=related I hate all these candidates running for POTUS besides RON PAUL. Who would have wanted Clinton in office anyways? If Clinton got into office than that would have been 20 some odd years of either a Bush or a Clinton in office. "Politicians are a lot like diapers. They should be changed frequently and for the same reasons."


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Well-Known Member
and as far as nazi go, we are using nazi tactics in our news media, to limit the knowledge of the public, if our american people could see everyhting for how it is there would be a revoulution immediatly. if the german people knew about the holocaust would they have sat idly? fuck no man. i cant even watch television, i know too many people who waste away in front of the tube. puts you in a false sence of security it does, just fucks your brain all up, subliminal messages are literally making people think nothing is out of place, and eveything is legit everywhere. if only people knew the truth. the white house would be in flames and every politician would butchered. fucking snakes.
I concur! +rep for being enlightened!

More people every day are swallowing the "red pill" ( YouTube - Matrix - The pill )and realizing whats really going on. If there was only a way to get more people to find alternative news and infomation besides the extremly biased (and owned) MSM (Main Stream Media)

Spread truth, for the truth will set us free!

Let me show you an example of how biased our MSM is. Just watch these two links and then maybe you will rethink watching TV/ FOX news.

YouTube - Notebook: Bottled Water

YouTube - Fluoride Poisoning




Well-Known Member
I worked for our town for a dew summers and I know that we have very high fluoride levels. High now I'm thinking of putting together a folder of info for and agianst. I'm going to present it to by former boss, maybe the mayor he lives like 1/2 block away.I don't think we need it and if so not that much. My mom always told the doctor No he doesn't need fluoride treatment we have plenty in our water and he agreed it wasn't good.
We have a small local newspaper and a bunch of small towns in our area I know if I wrote a well thought out editorial it would get alot of ppl talking. what's the worst that can happen? We still get fluoride in our water?

I've been watching alot of the docs on sprword.com lately. I've got my comp going to my 42 flat so a bunch of friends have been coming over to watch docs.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I think bush did this. Just going to ramble off a few facts (Probably have been said, but haven't went threw all 18 pages)

If you see a video of this, you see puffs of smoke coming out of the side of the buildings before the floor above it starts going out. That is normal at demolishion places, signs up explosives being in there and exploding before the floor above it has collapsed. Now what about all the people in the basement claiming to hear explosions coming from the deep of the basement? Also, people have done simulations that show if a 747 ran into the building, it would make a dent, threw the building, not take the hole damn building down. What else can I remember..At the pentagon, have you ever seen a plane look like that? There was no wing damage done to the wings, and no drag marks on the grass which they "Claimed" to see it fall before the pentagon and drag across the grass and hit the building. But again, where was all the evidence, there was nothing left at the scene. It's pretty hard to make a whole plane disappear, don't think Chris Angel is good enough to do that yet.


Well-Known Member
Ask the CIA - They know all the details I'm sure. Bush dosen't know shit - that's what I think.


Well-Known Member
I watched a doc the other day. not sure which one cause i've been watching alot of em. Im a small section they said that the C.I.A NASA and two others that I can't remember are not actually part of the u.s.a. they are like a sub-contracted group. Kinda found that interesting.


Well-Known Member
I watched a doc the other day. not sure which one cause i've been watching alot of em. Im a small section they said that the C.I.A NASA and two others that I can't remember are not actually part of the u.s.a. they are like a sub-contracted group. Kinda found that interesting.
Maybe you were thinking about the "Federal" Reserve (These are the people that print out money.)and the IRS! The Federal reserve is as federal as Fed Express!! I'm not sure how the CIA or NASA is connected to the USA corporation/gov't but I know the above are not entities of the US gov't either.

YouTube - Forget 'no new taxes'... how about 'NO IRS!'

YouTube - Federal Reserve and IRS = private corporations!

money masters - Google Video=#


RON PAUL wants get get rid of the IRS and the "Federal" Reserve. Please watch these vids so you can know Americas potential! Spread truth!


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Well-Known Member
I think that is in the doc out of the blue. or one of the other ones that documents all the strange stuff that space travellers have seen a recorded. Just watched the one last night with the cable tv guy from vancouver who trained his gear on the shuttle missions and downlinked alot of voice and video communications for 5 years. Awesome documentary. found it. it's the secret nasa transmisions. just like everything it can all be explained away but good watch no matter what you believe.


Well-Known Member
FCC, CIA, FBI, & NASA are noy part of the U.S. & neither is the federal reserve. The IRS is governed by the U.N. as well the other 4.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who hasn't seen esoteric agenda should check it out on youtube. It's chopped into 13 parts like 10 min. each so you can skip around if you would like, but I recommed watching it a couple times from begining to end & tell people about it. It a mind boggling film if you keep an open mind! Explains many things.