No, Sir. The system is systematically rigged from start to finish to reward, protect and enrich the oligarch class, whether it comes at the expense of us common people or not matters nothing to them. After all, they're never held accountable for the consequences of their activities, so why should they?
I can give you examples until we're both blue in the face, from politics on both sides of the aisle, trust accounts, the best schools, tax loopholes that favor the rich, towering financial crimes against We the People that go uninvestigated and unpunished... the list is literally endless, and itself a distraction from the task at hand; eliminating the intimate, cozy, incestuous connections between those who own and run big business and those entrusted to handle the affairs of state in our collective best interest.
People might laugh at the apparent impossibility of this goal, but going to the moon was also a joke, once. Until we did it.
America is a dream, a goal and an ideal. One I believe in, regardless of the criminals running the show today. We need to put a stop to those who would steal and subvert our dream of freedom, for no one will do it for us.