WHY did i get banned ??

I don't think it was a mistake but I won't quibble over the point if it can be reversed. Ironically, "I" had been asked a few weeks before about possibly being a mod.
Perhaps it wasn't. I honestly can't say for sure. Was there a message when you attempted to log-in to your old account saying that you were banned & when the ban would be lifted? This place usually has no problem telling people they are being banned and the reason why. I had a similar problem with my account and wasn't able to use if for over 3 months. My avi and sig were still up but I couldn't log-in or do anything with it. It eventually got fixed, but the people who had whatever happened to you, happen to them, were unable to get their old accounts back. I sincerely wish you the best of luck though.:joint:
With regard to the sniper comment above. Homeland security paid a firm to monitor social media (twitter, facebook, local forums, oped pieces, public sentiment) for reaction to the Guantanamo detainees being moved to a prison in Michigan. Basically spying on Americans and not disclosing it to anyone. They do this on a regular basis for terrrorist type talk, so maybe they dont want to attract that kind of attention to the site. Ive envisioned that scenario before or the stuff that goes in Isreal and I thank God no organized a holes pull that here.

I worked for the government for nearly 1/3 of my life ranging everywhere from my local sheriffs department to "special circumstances" in the military... While enlisted many of my days started with signing papers accepting full responsibility for an entire section and getting on every signature card it took to get the job done... In my appreciation there is very little that goes on that can't be monitored, and very little goes on unmonitored (don't think for a moment that you haven't been flagged more than once yourself, neither have I) the system that monitors us is relatively complicated and places priority's on things, but its all heard (everything said outside your mind and private first hand conversations anyway). Phone, text, email, they are all monitored for "hot words" and screened accordingly. Have you looked into the patriot or other security acts? It has become legal for the government to do so simply because we didn't stop it while we had the chance. Private contractors are far worse... (who do you think I consult for now?) The private sector gets away with hell and then some, corporate responsibility is a one liner, and the government exploits that so they don't have to answer for it (exploit your power while you can, people are watching and things are only going to get worse)
NO! I'm not still around. They banned me for the reason I said and I stayed away for over a year. Then one day I tried registering under the same name and it went through. But this is a new account and I lost my 4000+ posts and rep. And I never got any explanation. I decided I would no longer be a content provider for RIU and would basically use it for my own benefit only. I may have been forgetting that, but this thread has reminded me. So I'm asking the mod to look into it and restore my post count. I've heard nothing back. I don't know if they will fix it, ignore me, or ban me again. I guess we'll see!

why do you want your 4000 post count back? do you win a prize or something? seriously i am wondering why ppl like having a high post count. there's a certain poster here that just says hehehehe to build up a post count i think and i wonder why the love for the high numbers? just means you talk alot imo.

and hahaha at being monitored to whomever said that. dude this is still America. easy on the paranoia and speak your mind :peace:
why do you want your 4000 post count back? do you win a prize or something? seriously i am wondering why ppl like having a high post count. there's a certain poster here that just says hehehehe to build up a post count i think and i wonder why the love for the high numbers? just means you talk alot imo.

and hahaha at being monitored to whomever said that. dude this is still America. easy on the paranoia and speak your mind :peace:

It's not the post count that matters. Anyone can see how brilliant and insightful I am regardless of post count. :hump: It's more the symbolism of it being taken away for no good reason. If it was on purpose it's kind of chilling. If it was an accident is it too much to ask to restore it?

ps I'm not sure I like "them" hiding so easily among "us," so I'm not sure I'm so opposed to more eavesdropping.
If you did not spam the site im certain it is an error. I've seen it multiple times. The spam filter apparently isnt the greatest and on occasion despite the global mods doing their best to catch it a person who should not of been banned will in error end up being banned. In past cases the accounts have been gone for good but contact rollitup asap still and let him know what happened and you never know. It's very unfortunate it happened. Although i have nothing to do with banning people i'd still like to say sorry about your account. We mods do our best but sometimes we or the programming make mistakes.

Programming does not make mistakes. Period
why do you want your 4000 post count back? do you win a prize or something? seriously i am wondering why ppl like having a high post count. there's a certain poster here that just says hehehehe to build up a post count i think and i wonder why the love for the high numbers? just means you talk alot imo.

and hahaha at being monitored to whomever said that. dude this is still America. easy on the paranoia and speak your mind :peace:
We've had a LOOOOOOOT of members that try to run up their post count and rep. Some people think it makes them look like they KNOW what they are talking about.:roll: Others just think it makes them "popular". lol! There are members who have multiple accounts just so they can rep their "main" account and artificially inflate their rep. Some people just don't want to put in any effort or time and simply want instant status and respect. Kinda pathetic if you ask me.
I can relate to losing your account though. It's not the end of the world but a lot of people work pretty hard to help out others and become respected in the community. To lose all of that can be a real pain in the ass. :cuss:
Sorry if I picked at a scab... It was the product of special interest in a comment (hey I like to feel special don't we all?)... it seemed an interesting conversation I stumbled upon so I added my bit (12.5 cents is short change in my eyes)