• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why didn't other species evolve intelectually like we did?

meechz 024

Active Member
My problem is I believe in evolution, I can see it but when it comes to humans I'm afraid I'm one who believes in a higher up and that he created us out of nothing, I know, I know, here we go again, the God thing, but to say that we're just a product of evolution and that's all, we are a special species my theory is that if we think there is a God, there must be, otherwise we wouldn't wonder if there was, not sure if that makes sense, but that all I can hold on to.
In order to believe in creation, you don't have to believe in a single god. You can piece together what your instinct "feels" in a different way. You could choose to perceive it like a battle between Light and darkness or you could choose to perceive it as creation and destruction.

There is those who choose to see the light as a loving god, and then see the "darkness" and the hopelessness and despair of it all. In their eyes, some kind of "evil" is in control.

then there is those who choose to see light and darkness for what is actually is, a creative and destructive nature that is within us all. I believe that the fact we are all alive on this plane of existence with the ability to create and destroy, tells us something. There's no praying to a god asking for forgiveness or help. (why would beings with their own ability to create, need a god?)
There is just the natural cause/reaction force of karma.

There's two sides of the pole, it is a real concept, but we have trouble rationalizing what our instinct tells us. It's how you perceive it, your choice.



Well-Known Member
All of you have a point well taken, I have to admit that I am not articulate enough to argue my point or belief, at the end, that's what it's all abt " Belief " as far as the " Big Man " using the apes as a template isn't it said that we were created in His own image? that being said I doubt that He is an apelike creature, not to be insulting to " The Man ", I'm at a point where I'm on one side of the fence and you on the other and we could argue on 'till the end of time, don't get me wrong I respect your beliefs but until it's proven that we are decendents of apes, say the missing link, which I doubt we will ever find I have a hard time excepting that we are mere results of evolution, our intelegence and creativeness tells me that we are more than just that. my favorate saying is I rather believe He is and find that He is not than believe He is not and find that He is. I'm lost with words my friends.


Well-Known Member
All of you have a point well taken, I have to admit that I am not articulate enough to argue my point or belief, at the end, that's what it's all abt " Belief " as far as the " Big Man " using the apes as a template isn't it said that we were created in His own image? that being said I doubt that He is an apelike creature, not to be insulting to " The Man ", I'm at a point where I'm on one side of the fence and you on the other and we could argue on 'till the end of time, don't get me wrong I respect your beliefs but until it's proven that we are decendents of apes, say the missing link, which I doubt we will ever find I have a hard time excepting that we are mere results of evolution, our intelegence and creativeness tells me that we are more than just that. my favorate saying is I rather believe He is and find that He is not than believe He is not and find that He is. I'm lost with words my friends.
Unfortunately there will never be a "missing link" to you. There are tons of species between humans and Lucy. The closer to Lucy(the first ape to walk on two legs) the more ape like they are. What would qualify as a missing link to you? Of course the Bible says we were created in his image but it needs to be edited to god was created in our image cause we wrote the Bible. The just in case argument makes god seem like a naive being. A god that doesn't know if someone trully believes in him with all his heart is not a very wise god. I'm not going to try to convert you or bash on you cause you don't seem like one of those arrogant your going to hell Christians. Let me just end with this... Once you come to the realization that there is no afterlife or god you start living life to the fullest cause you know that this is all you got. I look at everything that has evolved including humans in awe.


Well-Known Member
Could it simply be that we humans posses the language gene and no others do? The exchange of information must have been all the advantage we needed to stay on top long enough to evolve. The Neanderthals faded away.. Well not really.. Some people now think we diluted their gene pool to extinction.. Most of us that are of European descent have a little Neanderthal DNA we can call our own.. Those of you that are just finding out now, don't take it to hard..


Well-Known Member
Could it simply be that we humans posses the language gene and no others do? The exchange of information must have been all the advantage we needed to stay on top long enough to evolve. The Neanderthals faded away.. Well not really.. Some people now think we diluted their gene pool to extinction.. Most of us that are of European descent have a little Neanderthal DNA we can call our own.. Those of you that are just finding out now, don't take it to hard..
Yes language is a form of intelligence and it had a huge part in us ruling. I read about the two species breeding too which is a huge discovery. Gotta love science:)


Well-Known Member
True I'm not one to say you are going to hell, that's not my way nor my agender, I've seen on the discovery channel the finding of lucy and yes it is amazing that this creature walked on to feet and may be the " missing link ", but I must live on believing in an after life and God, but that doesn't stop me from living a full life, I try my best to do so, and I am not one to impose my beliefs on an other, we are all brothers in this life and that's the beauty of it, it was mentioned earlier how this world is full of evil, in the many yrs I've lived on this earth unfortunately I've seen it grow and grow more and more each day, many of those who commit these evil things to me are those who have no beliefs in anything therefore they feel no consequence for their actions. however to be able to sit with all of you my friends and discuss this topic helps us grow more and more and helps us to understand and learn from each other, as I stated in the beginning I see evolution and have no doubt of it, but when it comes to "man" I find it hard to accept that we are just the product of evolution, a mutant gene, we live and die and that's it, why? why bother if that's all there is?......I must now fier up a j and ponder more on this subjuct.....'til then.....bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
You don't have to bother. I try to make this world better for my children. That's why I bother.. Your job as an animal is to replicate your genes. That's what every species job is. Our intelligence has just complicated it for us.
Yes there are people that are bad and atheist and then there are people that kill in the name of their god. Like a suicide bomber that believes he is going to heaven if he dies in the name of god. If he didn't believe he made a terrible job choice lol. Or how about the headache that is Israel.. That's a hatred seeded in religion. Throughout history there have been way more death because of religion. There has been way more hate and prejudice because of religion. The bible says gays are bad and women are second class to men. I won't even get into other religions treatment of them.
I believe religion was an important factor in early man cause it helped shape morals to an extent. I don't believe that we would turn into savage animals if we found out for sure there was no god now. We have evolved emotions now like guilt that keeps most people from doing bad things. Intelligent animals like Killer Whales would be considered evil. Have you ever seen two Killer Whales toy with a Sea Lion by throwing it around in the air to each other before they eat it? There is no point in this behaviour.. You wouldn't say the devil makes them do it. Evil is just a product of intelligence.


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid I find myself at a loss for words, but the killer whales see only the sea liyons as food, yes the whales have some form of inteligence and comunication but I doubt that they see the lyon as a fellow creature, to them it's just a meal. as far as people being killed in the name of religion, sorry to say you're right but I'm afraid I don't think it's purely for religious reasons, I'm sure there's some form of dominance involed. as far as making the world better for your children why? if there's just life and death, and nothing beyond? we as humans are compaasionate we strive to help others, where does that come from? if we find out that there is no God who cares what we do there's no consiquence to our actions.


Well-Known Member
Because my kids still have to live a full life in this world regardless of the point of it all. How we treat each other goes back to the days where we lived in small tribes where taking care of each other was beneficial to the survival of the tribe and in turn was beneficial to each person. Like I said a species job is to survive so they can pass on their genetics. Early man learned that its easier to kill a large animal and eat for a while as a pack. Someone that did not take care of the tribe would not be considered as a benefit to the tribe and in turn would not get to eat and would most likely be shunned from the tribe and die. This has evolved from the small tribe to the billions we have now. This is seen in small jungle tribes today with no ties to civilization. If a member does something selfish like not sharing food or doing their part they are punished and sometimes killed. These tribes that have no knowledge of god dont have the same morals as us. Killing, if justified, is seen as normal. Killing for no reason is punished by death. Take love of a non family member for example. This is just a theory but why does love not last forever? When I say love I mean love and not being comfortable with someone. Call it puppy love if youd like to. The theory is love was necessary for humans because human babies are hard to keep alive and especially in earlier times. A father and a mother would have had a better shot at raising a baby until that child is self sufficient. Other animals like apes for example are alot easier because they can just hang on to their mothers back and stay in the trees. Now look at love today. Statistically it lasts until the child is older and then stops. Also known as the seven year itch. This might evolve over time to love lasting a life time. There is a book called Moral Minds that talks about the evolution of morals and emotions.. Very cool read if you like to read.


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid we've come to an impasse my friend, I am no longer able to continue due to the lack of interlectual articulation in my part. I find myself loss for words and unable to continue, however it's been a good run my friend I've enjoyed our discusion and hope in the future we may come across an other subject to disect.


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid we've come to an impasse my friend, I am no longer able to continue due to the lack of interlectual articulation in my part. I find myself loss for words and unable to continue, however it's been a good run my friend I've enjoyed our discusion and hope in the future we may come across an other subject to disect.
Yes we just happen to be on a subject that is my passion and something I have studied a lot about other than growing weed. I'm sure there are subjects that you are learned on that I am not. I wish nothing but the best for you my friend and if you also grow feel free to grace my c99 journal in my sig with you presence:)


Well-Known Member
Thank you, being as stubon as I am you've given me a good run for my money, I enjoyed this run and in a way sorry we couldn't go on. yes I am a grower and will look into you jornal. adieu my friend.

edit: just checked your grow journal, nice job, great looking plants.


Well-Known Member
evolution happens in the mind or by a level of consciousness. the spontanious evolution that we have seen in earths history is from a larger consciousness shift or cycle. all matter moves with energy influence


Well-Known Member
thats why humans are the only species that are the way we are, animals dont strive for perfection like humans can. they dont contemplate creation and being like us. I in no doubt believe the Ets part in our evolution here on earth was a huge contribution


Well-Known Member
thats why humans are the only species that are the way we are, animals dont strive for perfection like humans can. they dont contemplate creation and being like us. I in no doubt believe the Ets part in our evolution here on earth was a huge contribution
How did ETs gain consciousness?


Well-Known Member
How did ETs gain consciousness?
Ets didnt gain consciousness but consciousness became the et, or us. conscious beings, consciousness animates the body, just one way of explaining it
people have different words they like to use. but consciousness is not physical and was before any living being, consciousness created all physical matter as we know it. we live in a dream within a dream

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
we live in a dream
This is my only supernatural belief. I cannot prove it, but somehow i feel that it is true. But even so, something is just not quite "right" about it...

Sometimes i get scared that i will go to sleep and stay in the dream and not be able to wake back up, i know it's silly... just another one of those weird feelings.