MOST commercial weed sucks because the plants that it comes from have been selected to grow well, be pest resistant and yield more. After those criteria have been met, then the plants are given some kind of snappy names that make you think they must be good...but they aren't. None of it has been selected for flavor or effect. And I, for one, absolutely do NOT believe in the THC levels being as high as they are shown to be on the labels. And, if they are, then it just bolsters my brief that THC isn't "the" source of the high, big deal if the bud has 30% THC if I can't get high from it.
Also, there's no more big buds/colas being sold -mainly because everything is in sealed packages. So, the container size/shape is determined and then the buds are trimmed to fit the container. What used to be considered as "bottom of the jar" shake and popcorn buds are now selling as premium because the packaging costs more, not because the buds are great. Everything is horribly dried terpenes or volatile esters to smell, etc. Just "take it or leave it".
What used to be considered as "the good shit" was the weed that stunk like a skunk....but that type of weed was also the type that attracted pests to it when it was being grown and it stunk so bad it would give the grow location away to people who would arrest you! I believe it was something in those extremely stinky chemicals that went missing years ago and now it's just accepted that weed doesn't smell that way anymore. Now, weed smells mildly piney or lemony....mayeb a bit fruity...
So, the commercial market takes those mild, fruity strains and puts a cartoonish label on them and includes some unbelievable THC level number....and then grinds it all up and puts it into pre-rolled joints to sell to naive people.
Granted, this all works for some people because there are still many places where weed is totally illegal and the idea of there being some Land of Oz for weed seems so great to those people. It's already in their minds that the legal weed will be great, so they smoke it and then make themselves believe that they are high....because they must be....right? But, no. The same thing happened to me when I moved to a legal state and got my medical card. I thought I was in heaven....for awhile.
Now I grow my own, but the challenge is finding the real-deal genetics. All the kids say they have them....but what do they even know? They weren't even born until long after the skunks disappeared. People today think you have to break up a bud in order to smell it. LOL! When I was smoking the skunk back in the day, you could smell it from across the room if someone walked in with a bag of it in their pocket. That's not an exaggeration.
Kevin Jodery is the only guy I've listened to online who knows what the fuck I am talking about and who is actually in a position to do something about it. Keep your eye on him and his work. I know I will.