Why do all these soil growers talk about pH so much? Any gurus out there?


New Member
I'm not a soil guy, I do hydro but I'm curious because I see all these soil growers with pH pens and I don't get it. My friends who run soil don't even check their pH, mix some lime and done with it. So what's the deal?
I screwed up my first grow fucking with PH.
I used RO/DI water and couldn't read the hydrogen properly because it was unstable.

Make a long story short I locked out all my plants in FFOF. Noob mistake, i guess....

I still plan to PH my nutes though, unless I hear otherwise. How much buffer room is there really?

Good question and I hope to learn from it, +rep!


Well-Known Member
I'm not a soil guy, I do hydro but I'm curious because I see all these soil growers with pH pens and I don't get it. My friends who run soil don't even check their pH, mix some lime and done with it. So what's the deal?
i agree ,its overdone "iv got ph prob in my soil" . It happens rarely, unlike hydro where it happens often.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I grow soil. I checked the PH of my water supply once. Basically the distilled water was killing me. Only reason I haven't tried hydro is I don't have the money for a ph pen. Whenever I get some I get beans.


Well-Known Member
if ph isnt monitered it can cause problems.yes in the past i have grown in soil without ph testing and using mineral water with a ph of 7.4 and i had no problems.but the strain i grew,NL is a very easy and strong plant to grow.other strains tho are much more sensitive and problems will occur if the ph isnt at the right level.


Well-Known Member
Grown fro 15 years never needed this thing they call a PH tester. I think the issue stems from greed. people put and push as much shit in their dirt as they can..until BAM purple stems and stunted growth. Little do many of them know they do not need one. may be a marketing issue as well.

If you cant grow a real good plant without a PH tester. go do something else.

watch out for "hard water" and "used soil" is usually all the deal is anyway
