Why Do Call Centers 'Get It'?

don't talk about my daughter..i'm gonna tell you something..that girl busted her ass at all these places and was a 'team player'..the last time she came home white as a ghost from standing on her feet non-stop on express at publix by the front door and not even allowed to get a fucking drink? or how about a 'new site' target where they gave her a black belt that you wrap around your lower back and had her unloading trucks 50-100 lb boxes..she weight 100lbs and is 5'4"..or the time when she worked at WFM always came in when they needed her and begged for a position in whole body..then produce..it was always the person who was fucking the manager..

don't you dare talk about my daughter to me.

You do realize that your mentor Buck has open season on daughters here at RIU. I won't repeat what he says about my daughters inter racial marriage so you can relax because that was nothing comparatively speaking.
Call centers don't get it.

"Call centers have one of the highest turnover rates of any industry, but call centers sometimes also perpetuate a cycle of high employee attrition rates. A high turnover not only puts a strain on management to find competent workers, it can cost a company thousands of dollars to hire and train a new employee. Call centers often give raises to try to retain employees, but the most-effective retention strategies usually involve immediate rewards."

don't talk about my daughter..i'm gonna tell you something..that girl busted her ass at all these places and was a 'team player'..the last time she came home white as a ghost from standing on her feet non-stop on express at publix by the front door and not even allowed to get a fucking drink? or how about a 'new site' target where they gave her a black belt that you wrap around your lower back and had her unloading trucks 50-100 lb boxes..she weight 100lbs and is 5'4"..or the time when she worked at WFM always came in when they needed her and begged for a position in whole body..then produce..it was always the person who was fucking the manager..

don't you dare talk about my daughter to me.

A 100lbs, 5' 4" girl can not lift 100lbs boxes, thats over 40kg.

Alot of "men" nowadays couldnt lift that.

But, what you complaining about?

Equality, darling.
don't talk about my daughter..i'm gonna tell you something..that girl busted her ass at all these places and was a 'team player'..the last time she came home white as a ghost from standing on her feet non-stop on express at publix by the front door and not even allowed to get a fucking drink? or how about a 'new site' target where they gave her a black belt that you wrap around your lower back and had her unloading trucks 50-100 lb boxes..she weight 100lbs and is 5'4"..or the time when she worked at WFM always came in when they needed her and begged for a position in whole body..then produce..it was always the person who was fucking the manager..

don't you dare talk about my daughter to me.
I'm a firm believer that if you are a hard worker it will eventually pay off for you.
You do realize that your mentor Buck has open season on daughters here at RIU. I won't repeat what he says about my daughters inter racial marriage so you can relax because that was nothing comparatively speaking.
From what I saw he was talking about you...not your daughter
Call centers don't get it.

"Call centers have one of the highest turnover rates of any industry, but call centers sometimes also perpetuate a cycle of high employee attrition rates. A high turnover not only puts a strain on management to find competent workers, it can cost a company thousands of dollars to hire and train a new employee. Call centers often give raises to try to retain employees, but the most-effective retention strategies usually involve immediate rewards."


beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

they do get it when it comes to hiring and motivation..$$$

i wonder what the author meant by the above other than repeating himself and not expanding on the thought?..not very helpful.

i went into this blind not knowing what to expect..my point of the thread being, since looking for work april 1, they were the first company that was warm, friendly..talking to hiring managers in my field..their lackadaisical approach was off putting.

how often does a call center get an employee with my type of credentials? i'd like to find out.

is the high turnover valid? or is it just target market attrition? i'd like to find out.

kushy fortune 500 spends $50k on a new hire..gives them a baby quota and calls them 'fragile'..then next fiscal they're no longer 'rookie' status and the quota is real..guess what a 25-year-old on their 2nd out of college does when they find this out? :lol: they get anywhere from 0 - 18 months..there were candidates who went to training and never returned, throwing their sales manuals in the garbage at FTL international. that chick was classic they talked about that one for years! it takes a very thick skin and strong mind to be a professional hunter.

this place is PT has stockholders, too..i want to see the difference.
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one thing i will say that was noticeable..there were no suggestions in the employee information packet that i call SNAP in order to subsidize their wages.

everything that was contained within, was with the idea of empowerment of the employee away from social programs.
we split everything down the middle now. i paid for dates back then.

you're a loser and my labor is worth more by the hour than yours.
Now you split everything haha. We now know who wears the pants between you and your wife. ...pathetic and your a man.....
beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

they do get it when it comes to hiring and motivation..$$$

i wonder what the author meant by the above other than repeating himself and not expanding on the thought?..not very helpful.

i went into this blind not knowing what to expect..my point of the thread being, since looking for work april 1, they were the first company that was warm, friendly..talking to hiring managers in my field..their lackadaisical approach was off putting.

how often does a call center get an employee with my type of credentials? i'd like to find out.

is the high turnover valid? or is it just target market attrition? i'd like to find out.

kushy fortune 500 spends $50k on a new hire..gives them a baby quota and calls them 'fragile'..then next fiscal they're no longer 'rookie' status and the quota is real..guess what a 25-year-old on their 2nd out of college does when they find this out? :lol: they get anywhere from 0 - 18 months..there were candidates who went to training and never returned, throwing their sales manuals in the garbage at FTL international. that chick was classic they talked about that one for years! it takes a very thick skin and strong mind to be a professional hunter.

this place is PT has stockholders, too..i want to see the difference.

high turnover is generally due to "burnout", or getting tired of repetitive work. was never a problem for me though.

for those who can deal with it, promotions lie ahead. call centers love to promote from within. i never went more than 6 months in a any call center job without a massive promotion.
Now you split everything haha. We now know who wears the pants between you and your wife. ...pathetic and your a man.....

our mortgage is about the same as our bills every month, so i pay the mortgage from my CU account, and i pay the bills from her CU account.

so you tell me, who's wearing the pants?
high turnover is generally due to "burnout", or getting tired of repetitive work. was never a problem for me though.

for those who can deal with it, promotions lie ahead. call centers love to promote from within. i never went more than 6 months in a any call center job without a massive promotion.


i've noticed the hiring from within.

they post only entry level; there's nothing worse than having employees for 5, 10 years and bringing in some little pukehead from the outside.

it sends the wrong message to your EE's.

when i inquired about a little wiggle room on the hourly, they told me everyone starts the same..at the bottom..everyone and that's it's up to you to excel from there as they have many opportunities for OT and promotion from within, which was the biggest point they made in their hr infomercial.
our mortgage is about the same as our bills every month, so i pay the mortgage from my CU account, and i pay the bills from her CU account.

so you tell me, who's wearing the pants?
You said she use to pay the bills so she wears the pants.. You finally learned to grow through Gb and actually turn a profit now so you can actually afford to pay a bill Typical liberal. Wants all the handouts the government gives congrats from becoming a part of the middle class and moving.up from poverty