beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
they do get it when it comes to hiring and motivation..$$$
i wonder what the author meant by the above other than repeating himself and not expanding on the thought?..not very helpful.
i went into this blind not knowing what to point of the thread being, since looking for work april 1, they were the first company that was warm, friendly..talking to hiring managers in my field..their lackadaisical approach was off putting.
how often does a call center get an employee with my type of credentials? i'd like to find out.
is the high turnover valid? or is it just target market attrition? i'd like to find out.
kushy fortune 500 spends $50k on a new them a baby quota and calls them 'fragile'..then next fiscal they're no longer 'rookie' status and the quota is real..guess what a 25-year-old on their 2nd out of college does when they find this out?

they get anywhere from 0 - 18 months..there were candidates who went to training and never returned, throwing their sales manuals in the garbage at FTL international. that chick was classic they talked about that one for years! it takes a very thick skin and strong mind to be a professional hunter.
this place is PT has stockholders, too..i want to see the difference.