Why do conservatives tend to hate rap?

It`s very relevant because a lead singer is part of a band. a Position, Wanna see Roger, Robert, Paul, Mick, Peter, all lead singers, playing an instrument and singing at the same time ?
Let's be clear. So all lead singers also play instruments?
no offense oddball cause i like a lot of the same music as you but that pic you put up of Jay-Z shows your ignorance. the watch and gold he is wearing is more than you've made in your entire life by a longshot. if he wasn't talented, he wouldn't be rich.
Roots are totally Badass,....nuff said bout them.

Look, I get it. You're old, you're white, you grew up on classic rock. However I bet your parents or your elders hated rock and said the EXACT same thing about. My grandfather was a huge lover of classical music, thought everything else was mindless, talentless noise. How hard is it to play loud? He'd always ask.

It's a generational thing. There are now more ways to make music than just an instrument. The amount of technique that goes into sampling is staggering because you are literally taking multiple sections of multiple songs and making something new out of. That does require musical talent. I know classically trained musicians who cannot do that for the life of them.

Jay Z made a lot of his fortune not only through rapping and actually being a very savvy businessman like Dr. Dre, but also like Dr. Dre he made it via producing music. Recording, arrangement, mastering, and making the "beat" the track behind the rapper.
no offense oddball cause i like a lot of the same music as you but that pic you put up of Jay-Z shows your ignorance. the watch and gold he is wearing is more than you've made in your entire life by a longshot. if he wasn't talented, he wouldn't be rich.

Now you reaching there, I`ve cleared his watch and chains a thousand times over, talent and marketable are not the same thing. They all have connections to promoters. They don`t all have talent.
  • so i read that you at one time were on stage. did you not make it because of lack of talent or lack of promotion??
Look, I get it. You're old, you're white, you grew up on classic rock. However I bet your parents or your elders hated rock and said the EXACT same thing about. My grandfather was a huge lover of classical music, thought everything else was mindless, talentless noise. How hard is it to play loud? He'd always ask.

It's a generational thing. There are now more ways to make music than just an instrument. The amount of technique that goes into sampling is staggering because you are literally taking multiple sections of multiple songs and making something new out of. That does require musical talent. I know classically trained musicians who cannot do that for the life of them.

Jay Z made a lot of his fortune not only through rapping and actually being a very savvy businessman like Dr. Dre, but also like Dr. Dre he made it via producing music. Recording, arrangement, mastering, and making the "beat" the track behind the rapper.

I see your point and it`s a good one, shit that can at least be discussed, now at what era in the music industry did profanity, violence enter ? After the Big Band era, After the Jazz era, after the Rock-n Roll era, during the grunge thing, or around the time Gansta Rap came along ? All songs have just about been written,...everything out their is sampling cuz there is no originality involved.

The beat behind the rap is speaker hum interrupted,
  • so i read that you at one time were on stage. did you not make it because of lack of talent or lack of promotion??

Work and family first. Stayed local and enjoyed doing it. Definitely lack of promotion cuz my demo got thrown out in the street on the way over. No way was it gonna be heard. I didn`t get that involved, you need tons of time and support for family.

My stages were small and outside, some inside clubs but we didn`t get many of those because of availability.