Why do forum mods ban so easily?

how so? by living in a low cost of living, regressive shit hole part of the shit hole state that is texas?

my cost of living would go down by half. but then again, i'd have to live in fuckvile texas.

no thanks.
Dude, I'm 18 lol. What kind of job do you expect me to have?
Yup, on my phone and after 2 bottles of champagne. Can you even speak a second language and write in it? No coz ur a blatant peasant with bad manners. Shame I had offspring, brings mentor the conclusion that ur wife must have cheated. Doubt u could father a child tbh

you're as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside.

good show, sister. :clap:

you realize i'm going to prison for growing pot don't you? and you realize you're on a pot website don't you? it's good to know whose side you're really on. ;)

How many times have i said u gotta man up. Come on. Ur too old for this shit RIU pity. U did the crime u fool. I came from London and I weren't doing it there. Risk v reward. Please don't ever invest in the financial markets. You would be rubbish at that too.

Greed over took you so stop yr
bitching. Nobody stopped u moving to Cali or elsewhere. You fucked ur stupid little life didn't you! Fool.
I realize you accepted risks and lost. Your own damn fault. Should have thought about your family, father of the year.

my family loves me. i really could give a shit what you think or feel. i'm not here to impress you.

you realize your attacks and insults have taken you to my level? :)

you've been trolled.
Dude, I'm 18 lol. What kind of job do you expect me to have?

when i was 18, i was working the phones for $15-$20 an hour to put myself through college. my buddy skipped college and went to work at a bank. he now makes more than my parents do, combined.

don't you have ambition beyond being a door greeter for a race to the bottom company?
How many times have i said u gotta man up. Come on. Ur too old for this shit RIU pity. U did the crime u fool. I came from London and I weren't doing it there. Risk v reward. Please don't ever invest in the financial markets. You would be rubbish at that too.

Greed over took you so stop yr
bitching. Nobody stopped u moving to Cali or elsewhere. You fucked ur stupid little life didn't you! Fool.

i've lived in california all my life. :?
my family loves me. i really could give a shit what you think or feel. i'm not here to impress you.

you realize your attacks and insults have taken you to my level? :)

you've been trolled.
I haven't been trolled. Don't flatter yourself buddy. Just telling you the truth. You put risks over your family. Great dad!
you're as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside.

good show, sister. :clap:

I beg to differ!! I'm cool and the people all around me are proof of this everyday. I love my life, my work and my friends. I don't need to go on the Internet to fight with fools like u, but it is so easy. Ur a twat. U made urself look weak by trying to put down my looks (which I'm obviously happy with) coz it makes ur bleak bitter outlook better. Hater is the word!
when i was 18, i was working the phones for $15-$20 an hour to put myself through college. my buddy skipped college and went to work at a bank. he now makes more than my parents do, combined.

don't you have ambition beyond being a door greeter for a race to the bottom company?
Right, I'm the owner of walmart. It's the internet buck, how am I supposed to believe you?

Anyways, great job on judging people based on their income. At least I put up an effort, you should tell your buddy here to try to gain some ambition himself.
I beg to differ!! I'm cool and the people all around me are proof of this everyday. I love my life, my work and my lifestyle. I don't need to go on the Internet to fight with fools like u, but it is so easy. Ur a twat. U made urself look weak by trying to put down my looks (which I'm obviously happy with) coz it makes ur bleak bitter outlook better. Hater is the word!

if you were happy with your looks, none of this would bother you. you wouldn't have to post pics of yourself to seek approval from strangers on a pot forum. and you certainly wouldn't have to bow down to my level and throw out all the insults and name calling. your own self respect would be your best defense. you are proving you doubt yourself.

at least the little boys still love you. :)