Why do forum mods ban so easily?

penis snake discovered in Brazil... go figure the worlds leader in Banana hammocks would have such a thing? tips_01.jpg

Lol. Sounds like a perfect canditate to be banned. Won't be long before they bounce you from here too if thats how you communicate on forums. Calling the few women who frequent weed forums sluts isn't a great way to keep them around, and you're just another dude on there, like the 99% of the users.

Lets see............let someone talk shit and alienate our few women, or get rid of yet another jackass who will be replaced by the next jackass in 2 minutes.

Tough choice.
say what? dude ive caused enough shit and seen enough caused from numerous people on here. if your getting banned you must be going straight for the mod himself on a kill. the only way to get banned? why would you be so stupid this is the best pot forum on the net!
say what? dude ive caused enough shit and seen enough caused from numerous people on here. if your getting banned you must be going straight for the mod himself on a kill. the only way to get banned? why would you be so stupid this is the best pot forum on the net!
takes a LOT OF SHIT to get banned from here, but be warned, we like our ladies...
its wierd all the different communities on the web . ... . they all have their own idiosyncrasies

RIU definitely requires some think skin
I like how this filled in with mods here rather quickly. What's the over/under on op's bannishment?
Three weeks?
its weird there . . when i was there i thought i needed a tin foil hate to go with some of the personalities . . .i bet of all the interweb MJ forums GC had the most prepers
hahaha preppers....oh my..im actually on any forums except a guitar one aside from RIU
I laughed at one of their moderators for banning a person everyday. Like what for?

This geek moderator banned me for that. I didn't think they actually would on some grown shit.

The same moderator had a grow journal up. This geek used pictures from the internet trying to pull them off as his own grow....All the established growers on the site laughed at him.

haha that site funny though, i come back to check it out for shits n kicks