Why do forum mods ban so easily?

Super glad this thread is back in action. It's totally evolved and taken on a life of it's own. Anyways, merry Christmas guys and gals :D

There you go. It's bad if a woman enjoys sex. If she is your partner, sex is only a 'necessary evil' for procreation. Then that man satisfies his desires banging 'sluts' instead if his wife who is afraid of being perceived as a slut if she says she wants it. (have you heard if the madonnas/whore complex?) That exact definition is what is perfectly acceptable for men. If a guy isn't particularly interested in shagging everything that moves he is thought of as abnormal and ridiculed for it. What would be helpful is if both men and women had a happy medium. Men need not be womanizing players but they shouldn't be too aversed to sex either. Likewise, women can take 'feminist liberation' to extremes and want to emulate the men they complain about an want to be able to screw EVERYBODY orbtake a man for his money without being made to feel bad about it. That's just as bad as the man players, but all the slut and prude shamim of women by both sexes is sad... Both men and women should not be ashamed to enjoy each other. As long as they are protected and respect each other...

And as for losing all feelin once you bust a nut... Sex is meant to draw people closer. It's not just a carnal act, but also an expression of love. The chemicals released post-coitus, or more artistically put, in that warm afterglow... If you only bang sluts you don't are about, and you have never felt that incredible, warm feeling wash over you, where you never want to let go of the one you have just joined with... Then sir... Respectfully, you have no idea what you are missing. I don't know about you but part of me feels like it's missing when I don't have that feeling. Before that feeling, everything else was empty.

Such a lovely feeling, to share something like that with someone who cares for you, and even if they roll over and fall asleep, you feel just as aglow inside clinging to them or nestled in their arms..

not all people are the same. you try to hard to put EVERYONE in the same boxes. people have different feelings about the same things. you seem to have a hard time with all this. i think it's because you are trying to force everyone to share the same beliefs. it just doesn't work that way.
Do you feel like a big man for calling girls sluts over the internet? Weak ass keyboard ninjas.

bitches that be bending their asses over like that are the ones portraying THEMSELVES as sluts. don't blame me for the actions of others.

do you feel like a stud defending them?
bitches that be bending their asses over like that are the ones portraying THEMSELVES as sluts. don't blame me for the actions of others.

do you feel like a stud defending them?
Sluts, no. Hot, yes. Dude you need to chill out lol. Always trying to shoot people down. Calling girls sluts over the internet, seriously? haha

Yeah, I feel like a macho man. Silly guy