why do my buds seem sorta small?


Active Member
ok im growing 5 outdoor plants (i started with 10 and had 5 males) and now 1 of them is i think 4-5 weeks into flowering since i could see some more hairs on the top of it on 7/17/10 but now after these weeks they dont seem too big. Do they really swell up that much in the end? also how much do u think i would yield off that big plant?....its 4'3" and 2' wide. all of these were grown indoor under cfls for 2 weeks then put outside in early may, used fox farms soil, tiger bloom nutes, and grown in cali watering every other day and using nutes every other watering



Active Member
um its not been that warm here this summer for some reason but its like 70-85 in the day and 55-65 in the night and probably a good 10 hours of direct sunlight since i checked we have a little more than 14 hours of daylight a day and its on a hillside with green brush growing around it


Active Member
my guess 10 hours since we r getting a little over 14 per day and they r on a hillside in the middle of some green brush

DUBS Doobious

Active Member
Yeah sunlight is whats gonna fatten up those girls for sure.
its the natural defense mechanism of the plant some would say.
they produce resin in order to sun-block developing seeds.
when they receive no pollen (sensimilla) they produce even more glands and bulk to try and capture air-born pollen.


Well-Known Member
Bro your plants look good. they will "put out" soon enough. I have only done three seasons outside, but I learned very quick to be PATIENT above all else.


Well-Known Member
Healthy plants. Your buds won't appear over night. You don't have anything to worry about. If your buds are that small a month and a half from now that would be something to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Wild guess on yield. She looks a bit short on Nitrogen. Fix that and I'll guess you'll get 3 or 4 ounces. A lot of strains take longer than 8 weeks to finish. Don't be in a hurry.