Why do my leaves look like this?


Well-Known Member
i know what they are but look how they are kinda twisted and like folded up kinda...can u see it?


Active Member
that looks completely normal. i dont see anything wrong. if your concerned then wait like a week and see if the problem is still there.


Well-Known Member
ok...i've done this before i know what they are supposed to look like and that htey are just babies its just i never seen the leaves not fan out a bit more. These are a little curled up and a lille twisted thats all. But they seem to be growing healthy. I just took them out of the humidity dome too. They are just getting 100% sunlight.


Well-Known Member
That can happen if you are watering them too much. Sometimes under extreme overwatering conditions, even the stem will curl up.
Cut back on the H2O for a little bit.
Good luck!