why do my seedlings keep dying??!!?


Well-Known Member
So this is my second closet cfl grow...first went well and exceeded my expectations. So I figured I kinda knew what I was doing. First grow was bagseed so for second ordered some northern lights from nirvana. I've had 8 seedlings germinate, then dry up and die after transplanting into final grow container from solo cups. The temp, humidity are fine, temp might be a little high, around 85 tops occasionally. The frustrating part is the one bagseed i have left is growing fine, while my seedlings i bought keep dying. I transplant from the solo cups into dirt about 2-3 weeks in when the 2nd set of true leaves develop...I can hopefully upload pics later...any thoughts to help this lady killer out????


Active Member
What kind of dirt, Any spots on the leaves, how close are the lights to the plants, what is the lighting schedule, are you sticking to the lighting schedule, are there any bugs, did you begin using nutrients?


Well-Known Member
miracle grow dirt, no spots or yellowing, lights about 2 - 3 inches from plants 18/6 light sched for veg, 8 5700k or 6700k cfls and 2 2700k (or whatever the numbers are...kinda drunk don't feel like looking it up sorry) lights on timer, and no nuts yet...i think i answered them all...like i said I think i;m doing it right...maybe im messing up somehow, but really the only thing i've changed since the first grow is the source of the seeds (bagseed versus ordered from attitude) and the number of lights/ small fan to keep circulation


Active Member
Alps I can do is laugh not at u but the seed banks hate them and everybody swear to get good genetics u have to buy expisive seeds from a seed bank fuck that. Bag seed from a good sack is good genes better than attitudes stock clearly. Find a local grower that produces seeds or clones ur way betters off there peeeps around this place that share seeds if u look. No I'm not one sorry if j had them I would I got clones.


Well-Known Member
so are you saying that it not something im doing??? just what I got in the mail? and at the post above that twice a week I've been watering with a spray mister


Active Member
you soil cud be too hot for seedlings. cut with more perlite. or use a growblock sure as rockwool. get a humitiy dome.


Well-Known Member
it does seem like the soil dries out quickly, sometimes spray mist just to keep somewhat moist. I keep in solo cups with baggies over them for about 3 weeks for humidity.


Active Member
I bought from nirvana not to long ago. Most of them had some strange leaf thing going on (seedling tips start to necro until the entire leaf was dead, I managed to get one to a foot tall but it took over 2 months and it was fuggly). It probably was an error on my part so I'm not going to talk shit like it was nirvana's fault. If your bag seed is doing well though under the same conditions maybe just continue to grow those out and try a different breeder next time.


Active Member
you cant allow the tender root system of seedlings to dry out. the best thing to do is water the plant a coupe of tablespoons of water a day. until it is like 7days then you can water more but anyway this prevents you from overwatering at the same time not allowing the roots to dry out


Well-Known Member
sounds like to me that you did not wait long enough to transplant. next time let them grow in the solo cup until 3rd or 4th set of leaves then transplant so the roots have had plenty of time to develop


Well-Known Member
when you transplant you want to fully water the new seedlings in, as long as the container and soil have good drainage your not going to over water unless you soak the soil every day


Well-Known Member
if i try watering more, what would it look like if they are starting to get overwatered? would the leaves just start drooping? and then would i just let it dry out a bit or should i not even be concerned about overwatering at this point?


Well-Known Member
alright ill try waiting longer until 3 or 4 sets of leaves develop and then transplant with plenty of water...hopefully it works as I'm starting to feel like a serial killer