Why do or don't you freeze your tubes.


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU,

I wanted to hear what your thoughts were on the freezing of tubes before extracting.

I am used to vacuum sealing the tubes in bags and freezing them for 48 hours. Then extracting with cold butane.

I'm curious to hear what you do and why it works for you.
I freeze tane and tubes to -25.

This locks up any water
It helps keep tane liquid during extraction
It helps prevent pickup of unwanted waxes / lipids...
I toss my tubes into my freezer with my butane for atleast 6-10 hours at the very least. max 2 days..

and why.. because In the winter I was getting straight shatter and taffy. and then summer came around.. and I was doing same technique and getting wax.. then I switched to tossing shit in the freezer.. and back to taffy/ shatter depending on material and terpene profile...

u get less of a yield.. but u don't get nearly as much wax.. I ran frozen .. and winterized and only got .5 in over 20 grams of oil.. and I ran room temp.. and out of over 20 grams I got 2.5 grams of waxy stuff in the filters.. so ya my yield goes down a little but I don't need to winterize therefor keeping tons of terpenes and the profile remains nice and tasty and stinky.
Freeze everything, the solvent, the herb, anything that those two come in contact with.
Vac sealing ehh, I guess its OK since it goes straight to the freezer. Generally not a recommended practice
Freeze everything, the solvent, the herb, anything that those two come in contact with.
Vac sealing ehh, I guess its OK since it goes straight to the freezer. Generally not a recommended practice

Would you mind elaborating on the vacuum sealing? My understanding is that the vacuum is removing air and excess moisture allowing the trichome heads to freeze cleanly and not be frosted over. (freezer burn) Am I on the wrong thought process here?
I just use a 2 gallon freezer bag.. put my tubes in it .. and go.. keeping my shit cold.... and haven't had a water issue at all.. but I leave my tubes in until im going to blow.. even if running 3 tubes.. ill grab 1 .. blow.. grab the second.. and butane for that 1 and blow.. and same with the 3rd.. always taking it out of the freezer and blowing it AS quickly as possible..

and when people say.. that scraping will make a difference in the finished product they have no idea what there talking about.. if u scrape it up on a warm griddle just barely even on.. and then vac purge.. or if u pour into something your going to purge into.. makes no difference.. AT ALL.
has anyone tried.. to take fresh bud.. and dry under vacuum.. to see if you can get the moisture out of nugs before blowing into bho.? lol thought of this and wondered if it would do any good.. ? compared to fresh frozen .. which I have tried and didnt really see a difference between fresh frozen.. and fresh dried.. honestly. the only thing I saw a diff was yield.. and the fresh dried yielded moreee..
You can't vac seal a volatile compound.. essentially you are purging away the terps, same process as how we remove the solvents from our extracts..but without the solvent what your pulling is strictly lighter terpenes esters etc (which actually are solvents in other settings)..and this will continue until pressure equalizes with regards to the vapor pressure of said
I said it was OK since it was straight to the freezer but really that hurts me. Sure it will be minimal, but after making extracts for yeeears ive realized everything makes a difference
Ive never personally experienced trichs freezing over. But most of the time these days I run Iso, any ice would just go into solution
So to dumb it down for me ;)

Vacuum sealing the tubes is boiling out low point terps?

Did I miss another adverse effect in there?
Well that's still important enough to discontinue for me.

It's unfortunate I already sealed my next run but will have enough to run again and compare the differences.

Is 48 hours the uniform or is that overshooting it?
Personally I do or did at least 72..
But I store my Iso in the freezer to begin with.
I would recommend at least 12 hrs for the Iso and3-4 for things like scissors or the filter etc. Whatever you use..
I mean as a minimum if your trying to rush and it will still get just fine product
Shit you know I didn't mean Iso...
But yea the colder the better
Like what twitch was saying to VP in that other thread or something I don't know but I heard someone say it
Would you mind elaborating on the vacuum sealing? My understanding is that the vacuum is removing air and excess moisture allowing the trichome heads to freeze cleanly and not be frosted over. (freezer burn) Am I on the wrong thought process here?
A vacuum seal may exacerbate the frost issue. Imagine a cold frozen tube under vacuum. As soon as you release the vacuum there is an equalization of pressure and warm moist air rushes into the tube condensing out vapor rapidly.