Why do people bitch about helping newbies??


Well-Known Member
Why would you be reading and replying to this thread if you don't approve of my "bitching"?
It's like a car accident. It's painful, ugly and could have been avoided, but you just have to come see what all the fuss is about. Once you figured out it was worthless you move on. I think that's what all of us have done.


Well-Known Member
that's funny because I like to bitch about people bitching about threads bitching at people bitching.
interesting, i enjoy bitching at french models who like to bitch at those who bitch at others who bitch about threads bitching at people bitching.


Well-Known Member
Too bad you can't charge money for an answer. We would have a lot less repeat questions. You could even charge double for correct answers!

Thanks for helping this newb out. Treat peeps with respect and most of the time it doesn't matter how dumb the question is RIU members will take the time to repsond. To me that's cool.


Well-Known Member
I don't under stand why people say stupid shit like " oh I'm sick of holding newbies hand walking them threw there grow bla bla bla". We I thought that is what this was fo asking for help or advice sharing ideas and experiences. So if you don't want to help some one or give advice the DON'T . But don't waste your time reading the post AND REPLYING " go read a book" instead of just answering the question. People have to start somewhere. And sometimes reading it in a book and doing or seeing it for yourself could be challenging. And Once again I THOUGHT THAT IS WHAT A FOURM WAS FOR. DON'T READ THREADS YOU DON'T WANT TO ANSWER !! Instead of being rude maybe give people some advice help or encouragement. Don't waste your time writing stuff like "we can't grow your plants for you" or "go read a book". I have seen more of that than people just answering?????
are you a girl gardener? :eyesmoke:


Active Member
helping people is the reason i get on here. i rarely talk or even post about my own grows. everone needs a lil shove in the right direction every now and then.


Active Member
helping people is the reason i get on here. i rarely talk or even post about my own grows. everone needs a lil shove in the right direction every now and then.
yeah but it says your in the mid-west, so I wouldn't talk about my grows either.


Active Member
being a mod has nothing to do with it...
moderator [ˈmɒdəˌreɪtə] n 1. a person or thing that moderates, MODERATE 1 a : avoiding extremes of behavior or expression : observing reasonable limits
Cause they are assholes and want to feel superior. They forget that they once sucked at growing. ...and probably still do.
Feeling and growing have nothing to do with it.


Sector 5 Moderator
The thread is not about growing; it's about bitching and feelings have a great deal to do with that. Take your trolling somewhere else.


Active Member
The thread is not about growing;
I already said that.
it's about bitching and feelings have a great deal to do with that.
I understand you feel that way but let's think about it. Since nobody bitches about good feelings, which response to OPs question evokes the most empathy and how does that give rise to bad feelings?
Take your trolling somewhere else.
Are you even trying?


Active Member
what makes u think pot is any differnent, at advancing "dis-funtionallity?". lol. they really pissed, cause they cant get a life, cause they cant pass a pee test. so they soon become 40 year old teenagers, and done at that point. lol. but people like me, who dare even bring this us, well, the left will chew up. shame. im the boss. so im free to say. the first amendment, dont just apply to leftys, they wish.


Well-Known Member
what makes u think pot is any differnent, at advancing "dis-funtionallity?". lol. they really pissed, cause they cant get a life, cause they cant pass a pee test. so they soon become 40 year old teenagers, and done at that point. lol. but people like me, who dare even bring this us, well, the left will chew up. shame. im the boss. so im free to say. the first amendment, dont just apply to leftys, they wish.
yup, thats exactly what I was going to say :lol:


Well-Known Member
if its a moderatly intelligent question i'll answer it. fortunetly i forget i answered it and i end up answering the same question again and again.