Why do people cut back on feedings at night with hydro?

It is hard discussing with people who can not explain themselves well.
Also if someone calls pebbles inert and hydroton not inert... what can I say?

My point with NitroFii is that a small change in adding more nitrogen has a huge impact , so while you suggest that the small change in water storing oxygen at lower temps is insignificant,, based on what.. your impression/interpretation, your intimate knowledge of physics?
Ok, let me try to educate you a little.
As explained before, the amount of oxygen is about 8.83 miligrams per liter at 72 degrees Fahrenheit.
Plant roots use 0.2 mg per hour per gram of living root.
So let's say that you have 1000 grams of roots, that means that the roots absorb 200 mg of oxygen per hour.
In DWC that is achieved by constantly aereating the water. The roots absorb the oxygen and because of the agitation of the surface the water picks up new oxygen from the air. This happens really fast and really easy.
Because the moment your roots absorb the oxygen, the dissappeared oxygen is supplemented from the air. It has to do with air-pressure. It happens automatically.
The difference between 8,83 grams per liter or 7.2 grams per liter does not matter that much. Once the roots absorb it, it is filled up again immediately. And again. And again. There will always be more oxygen available then the roots can absorb.
As long as the contact of the water with surrounding air is ok, it will be fine. No matter if you do this with flooming, waterfalls, bubbles, it is al good. Even if you would do nothing, oxygen would go in water, just because of airpressure in the atmosphere.
Of course there are limits. If yoy heat up the water a lot, or your container is really small compared to the rootmass, then things will go wrong.

In Ebb & Flow you achieve that necessery amount of oxygen in another way.
You fill your container up with water. Some oxygen will come with the water, but more then 90 % of the oxygen will come after the water has left. The roots are still wet, and are surrounded by air, rich with oxygen. Those are the ideal circumstances for roots.
That is why roots grow well in airy soil or rockwool. Moist surroundings, not saturated and plenty of air. Nobody in his right mind who grows in soil or rockwool would give water that is aerated.
Aerating your water in the reservoir before pumping it in your Ebb & Flow container is also useless and nonsense. First, there is already DO in the water while it is in the reservoir. It will also pick up the maximum amount of oxygen anyway when you pump in the container. But most importantly, the roots will absorb the majority of the oxygen after the water has left, as explained before.

Recirculating your reservoir now and then, is not uselesss. It makes sure that the nutrients are eveywhere and the temperature is more evenly in the reservoir. But for aerating.... useless.
It is hard discussing with people who can not explain themselves well.
Also if someone calls pebbles inert and hydroton not inert... what can I say?

Ok, let me try to educate you a little.
As explained before, the amount of oxygen is about 8.83 miligrams per liter at 72 degrees Fahrenheit.
Plant roots use 0.2 mg per hour per gram of living root.
So let's say that you have 1000 grams of roots, that means that the roots absorb 200 mg of oxygen per hour.
In DWC that is achieved by constantly aereating the water. The roots absorb the oxygen and because of the agitation of the surface the water picks up new oxygen from the air. This happens really fast and really easy.
Because the moment your roots absorb the oxygen, the dissappeared oxygen is supplemented from the air. It has to do with air-pressure. It happens automatically.
The difference between 8,83 grams per liter or 7.2 grams per liter does not matter that much. Once the roots absorb it, it is filled up again immediately. And again. And again. There will always be more oxygen available then the roots can absorb.
As long as the contact of the water with surrounding air is ok, it will be fine. No matter if you do this with flooming, waterfalls, bubbles, it is al good. Even if you would do nothing, oxygen would go in water, just because of airpressure in the atmosphere.
Of course there are limits. If yoy heat up the water a lot, or your container is really small compared to the rootmass, then things will go wrong.

In Ebb & Flow you achieve that necessery amount of oxygen in another way.
You fill your container up with water. Some oxygen will come with the water, but more then 90 % of the oxygen will come after the water has left. The roots are still wet, and are surrounded by air, rich with oxygen. Those are the ideal circumstances for roots.
That is why roots grow well in airy soil or rockwool. Moist surroundings, not saturated and plenty of air. Nobody in his right mind who grows in soil or rockwool would give water that is aerated.
Aerating your water in the reservoir before pumping it in your Ebb & Flow container is also useless and nonsense. First, there is already DO in the water while it is in the reservoir. It will also pick up the maximum amount of oxygen anyway when you pump in the container. But most importantly, the roots will absorb the majority of the oxygen after the water has left, as explained before.

Recirculating your reservoir now and then, is not uselesss. It makes sure that the nutrients are eveywhere and the temperature is more evenly in the reservoir. But for aerating.... useless.

Book learning does not necessarily equate to the real world, but at least you admit, it doesn't hurt
The very reason why well designed waterfalls are superior in my experience is due to the churning effect at the water's surface, which both oxygenates and kills anything that depends on standing water. It's also important to keep the lid closed so insects can't travel in or out of the tubsite.

I am not trying to argue; I really think proper design is critical to the performance I'm referring to. I've seen systems with mosquitoes and algae and I know what puts a stop to it.

It's like you didn't even read the last sentence of my reply: I LIKE WATERFALLS, and even though they MIGHT " kill anything that likes standing water", it's going to depend on how rapidly 100% of the solution circulates, AND, should any of the hard protective eggs (which is what mosquitos drop) make it into the tray/tote they will anchor there and hatch, as was my experience, even with well sealed lids

Hopefully, we are done with this ridiculous conversation
Book learning does not necessarily equate to the real world, but at least you admit, it doesn't hurt

Maybe in your stubbern microcosmos, but my booklearning does equate to the real world.
Talk to commercial growers of plants, vegetables, herbs, and you will learn.

Your rockstones theory, I still don't get, but it is ok.
If you think it works the way you think it does, good for you.
Does it now. Did you study this?

Check this out

Not sure how to apply it or what it costs, but it is interesting

Didn't think so

open your mind
the person who posted replied with a bit more info

https://steemit.com/steemit/@verbz/fantastic-properties-of-nano-bubbles Making nano bubbles that remain in the water for months which super saturates the water with whatever gas you and checked. For purposes of drinking and in taking massive amounts of oxygen which suppresses cancer. For plant growth, cleaning bodies of water, so salt water and freshwater fish can be in the same aquarium tank, to emulsify liquids without a surfactant, and many more benefits.
It's like you didn't even read the last sentence of my reply: I LIKE WATERFALLS, and even though they MIGHT " kill anything that likes standing water", it's going to depend on how rapidly 100% of the solution circulates, AND, should any of the hard protective eggs (which is what mosquitos drop) make it into the tray/tote they will anchor there and hatch, as was my experience, even with well sealed lids

Hopefully, we are done with this ridiculous conversation
I am reiterating these basics to support and substantiate my earlier assertion that if properly designed waterfalls are employed in the RDWC, not only does the user gain all the above benefits but also gets the benefits of evaporative cooling and the ability to run the system as warm as 75 F/25C, thereby eliminating the expense and complexity of a chiller. The waterfalls help cool the water naturally, helping keep it cooler than the growroom's air temperature.

Do try to set your defensiveness aside, at least when dealing with me. I'm not calling you names, impugning your skills or intelligence or being in any way disrespectful. It is the sign of a weak mind to take an intellectual disagreement like this one personally and I know you're better than that.
I am reiterating these basics to support and substantiate my earlier assertion that if properly designed waterfalls are employed in the RDWC, not only does the user gain all the above benefits but also gets the benefits of evaporative cooling and the ability to run the system as warm as 75 F/25C, thereby eliminating the expense and complexity of a chiller. The waterfalls help cool the water naturally, helping keep it cooler than the growroom's air temperature.

Do try to set your defensiveness aside, at least when dealing with me. I'm not calling you names, impugning your skills or intelligence or being in any way disrespectful. It is the sign of a weak mind to take an intellectual disagreement like this one personally and I know you're better than that.

Again, I was a waterfall believer, but cannot use it here: evaporative cooling for sure, BUT, as per O2Grow videos, there is hardly any O2 in the air (via waterfall, or bubblers, etc) to amp up the O2 levels we are looking for in solution. Think turbocharging, ney, twin turbo charging.

Here's a link provided by a scientist friend that is a nanobubble eye opener

There is plenty of DO in growingsytstems that use waterfalls, circulation, bubblers, etc.
Keep stop re-posting nonsense.

You are an idiot as many people wrote before me.

you're such a skeptic

Don’t try and start touting o2grow as a good product. It’s cheaply made with cheap Chinese components, the electrodes cost about $200 and need to be replaced every 18 months. It can only be ran for 3 hours a day, or the life of the electrodes decreases dramatically.

Why would any commercial grower use this when the oxygen in the air is free and there are other well known methods to get it in the nutrient solution?
Why would any commercial grower use this when the oxygen in the air is free and there are other well known methods to get it in the nutrient solution?

You are so right with this.

Always look at what commercial growers do. For them even the slightest improvement per square foot are huge profits, because they have acres of products.

Don’t try and start touting o2grow as a good product. It’s cheaply made with cheap Chinese components, the electrodes cost about $200 and need to be replaced every 18 months. It can only be ran for 3 hours a day, or the life of the electrodes decreases dramatically.

Why would any commercial grower use this when the oxygen in the air is free and there are other well known methods to get it in the nutrient solution?

Putting words in my mouth? Where did I say commercial growers? Although more commercial oriented units are available. And get your facts right before making absurd claims

If the grower does not clean them regularly, than replacement will be more frequent: 2020 emitters are $89

There is plenty of DO in growingsytstems that use waterfalls, circulation, bubblers, etc.
Keep stop re-posting nonsense.

You are an idiot as many people wrote before me.

More proof you can't fix stupid. I've done what I came to do in these 3 threads

There's an old saying "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink"

See ya, wouldn't want to be ya
Putting words in my mouth? Where did I say commercial growers? Although more commercial oriented units are available. And get your facts right before making absurd claims

If the grower does not clean them regularly, than replacement will be more frequent: 2020 emitters are $89


Hey man, I don't really care what you think. O2grow is a piece of shit. If you fucking love it so much then YOU buy it.

Are you the next @jhenry ?

At least you grow, unlike him. But I've never seen you post a pic of a good looking plant that you were growing, so... maybe you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Just sayin'
Hey man, I don't really care what you think. O2grow is a piece of shit. If you fucking love it so much then YOU buy it.

Are you the next @jhenry ?

At least you grow, unlike him. But I've never seen you post a pic of a good looking plant that you were growing, so... maybe you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Just sayin'

More evidence that exposes you as a liar and an idiot, so what does this say about those who liked your post


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More evidence that exposes you as a liar and an idiot, so what does this say about those who liked your post

You just cut off all the shitty looking leaves. How about a full plant pic? lol

Edit: am I supposed to be impressed that in ten years of growing you produced 6 small buds?