Why do people smoke so many cigarettes when they take Molly?


Well-Known Member
Last night I was rolling tits on MDA and when I got up this morning I noticed that I had gone through an entire pack of cigarettes. which I guess is not crazy (I had a grandma who would smoke 2-3 packs a day) but for me it is crazy. I usually have 1-2 cigarettes a day but why do people smoke so much after taking Molly is there a scientific explanation for this?

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
its just the stimulant effect behind it, people smoke excessive cigs when on cocaine too, they feel the need to be constantly doing something basically


Active Member
We're you rolling with anyone else? I started experimenting with rolls after my junior year of high school, we would get Paul frank monkeys of all colors that kicked serious ass! I remember it being much better than the "mdma rocks" I find today. Anyway, when you have a pack of smokes and everybody is rolling/your best friend for the moment, a pack can go quick haha.


Active Member
I've been off the cigs for 2 weeks now after 6 years of smoking, didn't realize how terrible they smelled until now
Exactly how I quit cigs. Smoke one socially once in awhile after you've quit, just to remind yourself how nasty they are and that you don't want another one

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Exactly how I quit cigs. Smoke one socially once in awhile after you've quit, just to remind yourself how nasty they are and that you don't want another one
nah i had a few puffs not to long ago and passed it off, that's enough for me, not touching that dirt again, maybe a occasional mini cigar, people around here still mix weed with it though


Well-Known Member
cuz it feels so good mayunnn!!!

no but really....this is a weird phenomena i have experienced EVERY single time i have eaten xtc or mdma
i used to smoke a pack and a half a day 6 years ago then i successfully quit back in 2010

even now when i partake on a special mdma occasion....i crave cigarettes...
it makes you roll harder. It speeds up the mental. and slows down the physical.
so soothing but when i get out of that cloudy puffy rainbow and fairy land.
I drop back to reality and realize how disgusting those things are....

very ,very interesting how this happens...


I love taking acid and watching the smoke drift away when i exhale lol
And when Im rolling and smoke jacks it makes me wanna throw up for some reason. There's been a few times I was rolling pretty hard and inhaled a cigarette and next thing I know im projectile vomiting
"Dude, are you okay?"


Well-Known Member
Read wikipedias nicotine page, theres prolly a section called pharmacology or mode of action etc. Basically it makes drugs stronger.
An example, a mild opiate od causes nausea, ears to ring, etc. Smoking a cig will intensify the effects of an opiate and if on an upper dose, can push you over the edge and you puke.
When smoking cigs on alcohol it basically increases that, which is why the effects are different with the same cig..im trying to simplify this


Well-Known Member
Read wikipedias nicotine page, theres prolly a section called pharmacology or mode of action etc. Basically it makes drugs stronger.
An example, a mild opiate od causes nausea, ears to ring, etc. Smoking a cig will intensify the effects of an opiate and if on an upper dose, can push you over the edge and you puke.
When smoking cigs on alcohol it basically increases that, which is why the effects are different with the same cig..im trying to simplify this

For me a cigar will push me over the opiate edge every time.

However, nicotine will reduce your serum levels of benzodiazepines. Quite abruptly.