Why do people think so little of smokers?


Well-Known Member
I know I'm not the only one who has had others think less of them because you smoke weed. Why would someone hate something so amazing?


Well-Known Member
cuz they are judgmental about something they dont understand and perceive as an illegal drug. fuck em


Well-Known Member
If people dont know that you smoke, and then they find out you do. They tend to blame everything they dont like about you on the cannabis use. And, they use this as an excuse to become vocal about it. "Your always late." "I guess youre stoned all the time." They blame the marijuana, and dont hold the person accountable for their actions. This will also let you know who your real friends are. This is the lowest form of douchebagery on the planet. They use it as an excuse to look down on you. I say fuckem!


Active Member
ppl are ignorant and think getting baked means not doing any work. cuz of what they see in movies or something. but its obviously not the case, cuz ppl can definitely get work done when their baked.


Well-Known Member
ppl are ignorant and think getting baked means not doing any work. cuz of what they see in movies or something. but its obviously not the case, cuz ppl can definitely get work done when their baked.
Does make it a bit more of a task to muster the motivation sometimes, though! ;)

Try telling people you've dropped acid. Much worse. Nevermind that it was a legitimate substance of scientific research for years, various religious leaders believe it has spiritual potential, and it has been indicated as a possible treatment for numerous disorders, ranging from cluster headaches to turrets. People buy into the propaganda, and think it "fries your brain", "leaves fluid in your spine", or past use makes someone dangerous to society. It's quite the opposite. Even various governments experimented with it, including our own. They abandoned their research because it couldn't be used for chemical warfare- it seemed to "enlighten" people rather than produce the effects they wanted. This is the real primary reason why such substances are banned: it helped MAKE the counterculture movement which was so detremental to segregation and continued support for the war in Vietnam.

It's the same with pot, only many people are now starting to wake up from the lies they've been fed their whole lives about this particular substance. Dear god, I'm sure many of you are old enough to remember Reagan's drug intiatives, the blatant lies told to children who graduated from D.A.R.E., and the massive misinformation machine supported by the DEA, police departments, and concerned (read: neurotic and ignorant) parents.



Active Member
ya i feel as though the state of our world is causing a rise in the counterculture and weed is definitley enlightening for that stuff. but unfortunately there are lots of soccer moms out there apparently hooked on valium to escape from the state of today's world. anyone else hear about that?


Well-Known Member
everyone has there problems. If weed is such a problem whatever fuck it I smoke haha.

At least I'm not getting drunk all the time and killing someone with my car.


Well-Known Member
everyone has there problems. If weed is such a problem whatever fuck it I smoke haha.

At least I'm not getting drunk all the time and killing someone with my car.

that is so true!! i would rather smoke herb than go out, get pissed as a fart, and end up being stabed.... i dont mined the odd beer every now an then, but i rearly drink, mother nature created this plant, y is it so illegal to use it? i can understand the other illegals like acid and coke, because if the crap dealers put in it, but herb? its not right! same with shrooms, they grow wild 4 fuck sake, but if u picked 1 to have a look at it, all you could be looking at is an A-class drug with 14years in jail and an unlimited fine! the goverment is fucked up, man made drugs like alcohol is legal, but mother nature is illegal :confused:
even the goverment, mp's and doctors have smoked it! you see more drunks on streets, than u do drug addicts also your are more likely to be hit by a drunk driver than a stoned driver, also it has been proven that stoned driver drive better than drink drivers and normal drivers because there more chilled out, plus people who smoke dont wona get up and drive anyway!nthe goverment does more harm than good, in england it is ilegal, but if u are seen smoking a spliff they tell u to chuck it and smoke it at home! and if u have a 10bag of less they let you off! (i know cos i got stop, i know i shouldnt of been smoking outside, bt he told me to chuck it down the drain and what i had on me was less than i 10bag so it was classed as personal use, so he sed to smoke it at home, i apologised and that was it i was on my way, no fine, no criminal record, no name or addresse taken) y dont they just make it legal or atleast legal to have an oz or under and to be able to grow atleast 1 plant for personal use? thats what i would do if i was goverment and cut down on these drug tests at work! what is the point some1 could of smoked an oz 6 months before and they get done... stupid! :peace:


Well-Known Member
The marijuana taboo is all about fear. The government fears individuals who can be happy without supporting big business and it's financial interests. Individuals who look down upon smokers fear what they might discover if they smoke. Governing a profitable (for them) society is about molding individuals into an easy to control group. These groups will do what they are told. For example, they will buy certain types of cars, and spend money on easy to produce music, television, and movies for entertainment. When you smoke they are unable to force you into thier mold. They lose control of you and begin to fear you. Smoke up.


Well-Known Member
ppl are ignorant and think getting baked means not doing any work. cuz of what they see in movies or something. but its obviously not the case, cuz ppl can definitely get work done when their baked.
i work in a kitchen and some times its reallllly busy like there is a line up out side and i can work flawlessly while ripped


Well-Known Member
ye i can have a couple of strong bongs and go to work at 3 and do a 9h sift and finish about midnight, (i dont drive there if i have had weed i get the bus, taxi or lift sometimes i walk, walking makes me feel realy happy when stoned as i c the world differently) i work flat out, but the stoned numb gives me a realy good feel, it makes the time pass so fast and i can work harder than any1 else.


Well-Known Member
What makes me annoyed is a lot of people tell me I will ruin my life by smoking pot.

Thing is I started college after smoking more often and improving my life as I looked at things a lot different.