Why do redhats have so much hate?


Well-Known Member
75 million of them.

I’ll say that there are some positive things the Democratic Party has going for it. Age polarization is really working in our favor; I think it’s clear that the gap between young voters and older voters is substantially larger than it has been. And it seems like Zoomers even more liberal than Millennials, though there might be some interesting gender gaps between men and women there; Zoomer men might actually be more conservative. But these age gaps are very large.

The other part of the good news, I think, is that now that highly educated people are so Democratic, this is going to influence how the media covers Democrats, since journalists are generally very educated, and the world is run by highly educated people. So, at multiple levels, whether it’s the boardroom or whatever, there are probably some long-term benefits. And that’s reflected in terms of Democrats raising more money now.

The flipside is that we have an election system that makes it basically impossible for Democrats’ current coalition to ever wield legislative power. Non-college educated whites are highly represented at every single level of government, and we are currently fighting elections on state legislative maps, congressional maps, an Electoral College map and a Senate map that are ludicrously unfavorable for us. We are legitimately in a position from here on out where we would need to get 54 percent of the popular vote — which we did not even accomplish this time — for multiple cycles in a row, for us to be in a position to really pass laws. That’s pretty bad.

Democrats are best represented among younger voters, Black and Hispanic voters and the college educated. So, what are the trends in the heartland and states with smaller populations? Just the opposite. Fewer college educated, disproportionately whiter and older. Just looking at those trends, the Senate will probably stay in Republican control for the foreseeable future. The Democratic Party can't go all white-racist and evangelist Christian, that's not ever going to happen. Where it has to improve is among those without college education. This shouldn't be hard. But we haven't seen them do it yet.


Well-Known Member
This article seems spot-on regarding the hateful apes: I for sure have a cubic fuckton of ‘acquaintances’ who literally - by their own assertions - voted for Trumpiboi because he was the biggest fuck-you they could imagine - and that was the messages they wanted to send: fuck y’all, burn it down...they do in fact hate everything and everybody except themselves and each other

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Well-Known Member
This article seems spot-on regarding the hateful apes: I for sure have a cubic fuckton of ‘acquaintances’ who literally - by their own assertions - voted for Trumpiboi because he was the biggest fuck-you they could imagine - and that was the messages they wanted to send: fuck y’all, burn it down...they do in fact hate everything and everybody except themselves and each other
Find out which website/hate radio/tv stations they watch and I bet the reason becomes obvious.


Well-Known Member
It’s ok as long as they don’t “flip” any of us normal folk
It's ok if normal people show up to vote, normal people are usually more content than these people, their grievances, real or imagined, are longer term than election cycles. Many of them know something is wrong with America, they are just blaming the wrong people for the wrong reasons and being radicalized by rightwing media. Most college educated people live good lives, so far the system is working for them, globalization is working for them, but they are still getting screwed by the top 10% of the wealthy, along with everybody else. 40% of the people live on a small fraction of the national wealth, funny how that number is close to Trump's base of support. Racism, bigotry and xenophobia ride on top of resource struggles and social stress, everybody is an asshole when they are stressed out, empathy diminishes along with moral judgement.


Well-Known Member
This article seems spot-on regarding the hateful apes: I for sure have a cubic fuckton of ‘acquaintances’ who literally - by their own assertions - voted for Trumpiboi because he was the biggest fuck-you they could imagine - and that was the messages they wanted to send: fuck y’all, burn it down...they do in fact hate everything and everybody except themselves and each other

I thought that was an interesting article and definitely provided a piece of the puzzle and indicates it's mitigation or solution. There is hate radio and rightwing media giving them a false narrative and motivating them to action when it can. If the democrats can clone Stacey Abrams in all 50 states and focus on youth as well as the usual suspects, you could stand a chance against them.

There are other ways of addressing the issues in the article directly, but it takes time to grow a generation, but a decade can make a big difference. Here is one way to reduce the kinds of people who would vote for a Trump, they don't even need to continue to practice after they get out of school, somethings stick. Technology causes social isolation for everybody, this helps to counteract that, cultivate social and emotional skills, increase attention along with emotional stability, drop their emotional baggage and improve academic scores, particularly among the troubled and socially maladapted students. Reduces drug dependency rates too when taught during the formative years.

Promote it in a school board near you, it's one way to ensure a better future with better citizens. Growing brain parts works way better than religion for keeping folks, happy, stable, ethical and moral, it works like PE does for your body, in the same way, exercise.

We empower educators to cultivate
equitable, joyful learning environments.

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Well-Known Member
Just as a further thought on the theme, I suspect it may be simpler still: they don’t *think* - they BELIEVE.
Who they end up believing is likely hidden deep down in their gut - but I suspect it’s more of a reactive response than any kind of informed decision..and once that’s see, they simply adopt what that ‘trusted’ source TELLS them is so.

Like the old ‘Christian’ bumper sticker: “God said it, I believe it, that settles it”


Well-Known Member
Its like they enjoy hating and being angry.

Bush's presidency muslims were beaten up
Trumps presidency everyone is being beaten up.

Its like they think violence is the answer to their problems.
Seems like the socialists are the ones hating, destroying, rioting, looting, etc etc etc. Not a single riot or protest has happened since the election. You think things would have been peaceful if Trump won?


Well-Known Member
Seems like the socialists are the ones hating, destroying, rioting, looting, etc etc etc. Not a single riot or protest has happened since the election. You think things would have been peaceful if Trump won?
I call bullshit.

How do you have any clue that the white people busting up the largely minority cities are socialist?

But at least you realize Trump lost I guess.

Just as a further thought on the theme, I suspect it may be simpler still: they don’t *think* - they BELIEVE.
Who they end up believing is likely hidden deep down in their gut - but I suspect it’s more of a reactive response than any kind of informed decision..and once that’s see, they simply adopt what that ‘trusted’ source TELLS them is so.

Like the old ‘Christian’ bumper sticker: “God said it, I believe it, that settles it”
I think it would be so beneficial if people understood how much of a feedback loop they are stuck in. Im guessing if you look at a lot of these people's youtube front page it would be full of breitbart/Trump/Epoch Times paid propaganda kind of nonsense that is all lies designed to make it look like the world that JoeBlow seems to think it is.


Well-Known Member
Seems like the socialists are the ones hating, destroying, rioting, looting, etc etc etc. Not a single riot or protest has happened since the election. You think things would have been peaceful if Trump won?
which cities have been destroyed, piss baby