Why do some growers clone with a fear of air getting into the stem?

Some growers preach that your clone will die immediately if you don't get it into the cloning gel milliseconds after snipping it.

Jorge Cervantes doesn't seem to give a shit about air getting into the stem. On his video he snips it, then touches the end and scrapes it for a minute before putting it into water.

I trust that Jorge Cervantes knows what he's doing and wouldn't teach a cloning method that will not be successful.

So I'm just curious if the air really can mess up the clone. And if not, why do so many growers claim that you can't get air up in there?


It's called an air embolis (sp). Plant's draw water up the stalk via suction that's created from evaporating water from the leaves. An air embolis can stop/prevent that suction action from working; ultimately killing the cutting.


Well-Known Member
Jorge Cervantes also has unlimited supply to marijuana and whatever he wants.
You really think one clone to him means shit? Rooting compound means more.


Active Member
I think the main point is to cut it and then do what you have to do. Not freak out about the timing of it all.

Don't cut and then walk around for a while doing things. Don't take all your cuttings at once, do one at a time.

Stuff like that, not really like freak out about the number of seconds between cutting and putting it in your medium.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member

Get your trimmed cuttings in water treated with a couple drops of superthrive
Get your rooting gel/powder (powders are better, imo) in a shot glass
Have your rockwool (or medium) watered and ready
Cutting goes into rooting compound and into cube.

You have successfully just cloned.

It's really that simple. Don't complicate the shit. I take my cuts (just below a node @45 degrees), trim everything but the last set of main fans and the new growth tip, put them in the ST-treated water and follow the above instructions. If your cloning set up is good (a heat pad and a flourescent light, no need for domes -ever), and you have followed these steps, you will clone at nearly 100%. Don't trip, and dont worry when you are trimming them, take it all off except what I just said to leave. The quicker the better, just be gentle, careful.


Well-Known Member
In Jorge's lates book he does mention air bubbles when taking clones. He notes it is important to get the cutting immediately into water so an air bubble doesn't develop in the stem.



ITs best if you do the cutting under water that way you don't break the "chain" of water molecules that are going through the cutting. Plants take up water through the roots because they are simultaneously loosing water from the stomata "tiny openings on the underside of the leaves" this is what lets them take up nutrients. As a cutting with no roots it's important to maintain this circulation of water to maintain the living tissues, it's more of a safety precaution rather than an absolute law, I think it's best to try and maximize you probability of succesfully cloning and cutting your to-be clones under water at an angle with a sterile blade would be doing just that. Good luck with ya cloning :)


Well-Known Member
I will say this, every clone I've ever taken was done with dirty hands, cloning powder, and party cups cut in half. Oh, and siran wrap to cover the cups. I've had roughly 90% success out of 22 different strains of clones. MIND YOU, this was done out of pure LAZINESS, and if I was running a legit business, I'd follow the guidelines. Just letting people know there is hope for success if you don't have the luxury of cloning domes and humidifiers and all that shit.


Yeah, I mean in the end cannabis is alive you know>? it's going to cling to life as hard as it can because thats what it does... and most plants are pretty hardy :) yee!!!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Some growers preach that your clone will die immediately if you don't get it into the cloning gel milliseconds after snipping it.

Jorge Cervantes doesn't seem to give a shit about air getting into the stem. On his video he snips it, then touches the end and scrapes it for a minute before putting it into water.

I trust that Jorge Cervantes knows what he's doing and wouldn't teach a cloning method that will not be successful.

So I'm just curious if the air really can mess up the clone. And if not, why do so many growers claim that you can't get air up in there?
ok i call a big joke on that saying.air in the steam....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA