why do the righties want us to forget about bush?


Well-Known Member
In re: to OP

The right wants you to forget about Bush because they are trying to forget about him too.
then why are they running a douchebag who wants to double down on the same policies?

how'd those work out?

you burned down the house and then you get petulant that we're not cleaning it up for you fast enough. you guys even filibustered the shovels and wheel barrows, you guys tried to shut off the water and got us a credit downgrade on our water bill.

it's retarded. you guys need to stop being retarded.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The OP doesn't understand righties. They don't want you to forget about the bush, just don't think about it until marriage and only use it for making a baby.


Well-Known Member
LOL Canna.

I shouldn't laugh cause it's true for a good deal on the right. Oh well, those people are also the biggest givers when it comes to charity, so while wrong thinking, they are not all bad people.


Well-Known Member
LOL Canna.

I shouldn't laugh cause it's true for a good deal on the right. Oh well, those people are also the biggest givers when it comes to charity, so while wrong thinking, they are not all bad people.
The LDS church REQUIRES you tithe at least 10%
They are the only organized religion I can think of that has "counseling" sessions for those who do not give their 10%
They are the only organized religion I can think of that makes you less than a full member if you do not give your 10% and denys you full membership privileges

When charity is required
It is no longer charity



Well-Known Member
The LDS church REQUIRES you tithe at least 10%
They are the only organized religion I can think of that has "counseling" sessions for those who do not give their 10%
They are the only organized religion I can think of that makes you less than a full member if you do not give your 10% and denys you full membership privileges

When charity is required
It is no longer charity

scientology. you pay to move up the 'class'. tom cruise is an Operating Thetan V or someshit, the highest level. he actually believes he can manipulate reality. as in telekinesis and changing your ideas/perceptions... :S


Well-Known Member
The LDS church REQUIRES you tithe at least 10%
They are the only organized religion I can think of that has "counseling" sessions for those who do not give their 10%
They are the only organized religion I can think of that makes you less than a full member if you do not give your 10% and denys you full membership privileges

When charity is required
It is no longer charity
When it comes to charitable giving, Mitt Romney is leaving Vice President Joe Biden in the dust, the weekly standard reported.

Romney’s 2011 tax returns show he gave more than $4 million to charity last year (about 30 percent of his income) to Biden’s $3,690 (0.2 percent of his income) over the previous ten years when he first ran for vice president, according to the Weekly Standard.

All told, Romney gave a thousand times as much to charity in one year as Biden gave in a decade, according to the Standard. Romney’s charitable giving averaged more than $10,000 a day last year.

The Bidens earned over $2 million over the decade in which they gave $3,690. Their income was $320,000 in 2008.


Well-Known Member
I HEART COPY AND PASTES! falafel is a child molester.

In 2010 Mr. Romney and his wife, Ann, contributed nearly $3 million to charitable organizations. That’s 13.8% of the couple’s adjusted gross income (AGI).

And what about the Democrats you ask? President Obama and First Lady Michelle gave $245,075 to charitable organizations according to their 2010 tax return. That represents 14.2% of the presidential couple’s AGI of $1,728,096.



Well-Known Member
I HEART COPY AND PASTES! falafel is a child molester.

In 2010 Mr. Romney and his wife, Ann, contributed nearly $3 million to charitable organizations. That’s 13.8% of the couple’s adjusted gross income (AGI).

And what about the Democrats you ask? President Obama and First Lady Michelle gave $245,075 to charitable organizations according to their 2010 tax return. That represents 14.2% of the presidential couple’s AGI of $1,728,096.

Romneys church DEMANDS that he give them 10% of his gross or he is not a full member and can be denied access and ceremonys his church provides it's members

That is not charity
Those are dues


Well-Known Member
Romneys church DEMANDS that he give them 10% of his gross or he is not a full member and can be denied access and ceremonys his church provides it's members

That is not charity
Those are dues
Thats not a fact, its a lie.
I can find a bunch of mormon hating propaganda on the internet too. Doesn't make it true.
Truth is some mormons that are at low income don't pay any tithing at all, but instead are recipients of tithing. and other charitable services from church members.


Well-Known Member
Thats not a fact, its a lie.
I can find a bunch of mormon hating propaganda on the internet too. Doesn't make it true.
Truth is some mormons that are at low income don't pay any tithing at all, but instead are recipients of tithing. and other charitable services from church members.

Why not go to the link I posted
If you are saying www.lds.org is a mormon hating propaganda machine
Then you are saying Mormons actually hate themselves


Well-Known Member
If you are at bat, and behind in the game, do you blame the World Series winner from last year, because you just struck out, again?

No crying in Baseball and no whining in Politics.


Well-Known Member
those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

so why do these fucktards, sock puppets, spambots, and racists on the right want us to forget history? are they that fucking stupid? malicious?

hanlon's razor dictates that we not ascribe to malice that which can be explained by stupidity. so i'm going with the theory that they are stupid.

more history: last two GOP business men to hold the presidency were hoover and bush. how did that work out?

Why want the " black muslim in the white house ain't that the shit" let us. He bring up bush more than you bucky.


Well-Known Member
Romneys church DEMANDS that he give them 10% of his gross or he is not a full member and can be denied access and ceremonys his church provides it's members

That is not charity
Those are dues
So when he gives 30% of his income like he does is it still paying dues?

I'm not voting for the guy, but damn, he is a charitable son of a bitch.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
When it comes to charitable giving, Mitt Romney is leaving Vice President Joe Biden in the dust, the weekly standard reported.

Romney’s 2011 tax returns show he gave more than $4 million to charity last year (about 30 percent of his income) to Biden’s $3,690 (0.2 percent of his income) over the previous ten years when he first ran for vice president, according to the Weekly Standard.

All told, Romney gave a thousand times as much to charity in one year as Biden gave in a decade, according to the Standard. Romney’s charitable giving averaged more than $10,000 a day last year.

The Bidens earned over $2 million over the decade in which they gave $3,690. Their income was $320,000 in 2008.
the money Romney made, he didn't earn. its easy to give away others money at the cost of their jobs.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
church of LDS was a openly racist organisation ontill 1978. Romney was born before then, i somehow believe that he had a racist uprbringing because the religion was openly racist that he was indoctrinated to, those kinds of things stick with you.


Well-Known Member
the money Romney made, he didn't earn. its easy to give away others money at the cost of their jobs.
Bullshit. Just ENVY and you have no idea what you are taking about. I'm a senior manager in the computer biz. So, you are business expert, too, are you?

No, of course not. That's obvious. You sound like just a poser with spoon fed opinions.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Bullshit. Just ENVY and you have no idea what you are taking about. I'm a senior manager in the computer biz. So, you are business expert, too, are you?

No, of course not. That's obvious. You sound like just a poser with spoon fed opinions.
nah, everything he got was not earned. born into wealth, given wealth by being a politician, claims he's active in his business but records show he's simply making royalties at the cost of downsizing and selling off the businesses he buys in order to make profit. not alot of work being done, i guess he's earned 5% of his total value, he's been a great spokesman for the mormons and plutocrats.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
The LDS church REQUIRES you tithe at least 10%
They are the only organized religion I can think of that has "counseling" sessions for those who do not give their 10%
They are the only organized religion I can think of that makes you less than a full member if you do not give your 10% and denys you full membership privileges

When charity is required
It is no longer charity


That is a phrase lefties ought to have engraved on their foreheads so they see it every morning when they look in the mirror.

Membership in a church is voluntary, hence tithing is voluntary. Tithing in the mormon church is voluntary.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
That is a phrase lefties ought to have engraved on their foreheads so they see it every morning when they look in the mirror.

Membership in a church is voluntary, hence tithing is voluntary. Tithing in the mormon church is voluntary.
excommunication is also a factor, you know how religious people are. you ain't with us, you against us.