haha huh...?Are you in Webelos? Have you gotten your Arrow of Light yet?
In the Cub Scouts of America, Webelos is the last rank a kid obtains before they become a boy scout. The red,green checkered neckerchief you have is a indicator of this as well as the cub scout shirt (in the pic). Unless you bought the cub scout stuff at salvation army then you might be one. That is all I am saying.
Oh yeah lol. That was back in like 1st grade hahahaIn the Cub Scouts of America, Webelos is the last rank a kid obtains before they become a boy scout. The red,green checkered neckerchief you have is a indicator of this as well as the cub scout shirt (in the pic). Unless you bought the cub scout stuff at salvation army then you might be one. That is all I am saying.
haha no i was just saving a carton to plant my baby seedlings in whenever the time comesBy the way why do you have eggs in your room?