Why do u grow?


Well-Known Member
I am impressed with these answers, is anyone considering moving to Colorado or Washington now that it's legal there?
Legal in WA and CO yes. But the new law does not allow you to grow your own in WA so I wouldn't come out this way just yet! CO on the other hand does and I believe there will be a large boom of growers there in the next couple years, not to say that there isn't already.


Active Member
Ya i grow for personal (cost of it was to high and i moved so, dont know anyone around here)... and a hobby... hvn't grown anything in my life and my first grow a couple months back went horribly wrong now at it again...really just n amazing plant to watch and grow, from all the problems i've had and troubleshooted it has been one journey that I will remember, 1-2 days from switching to 12/12 im pretty excited and really hope they turn out to be females (bag seed) if this goes right i'll be buying my seeds <---wife finally approved lol!!


Active Member
Yeah , I hope every one moves to WA CO
because I'll be in Cali killin it !! JK

Sure is a beautiful plant !!


Well-Known Member
i grow for pleasure. sick of going to people ive never met before, who i would never mix with usually, and also paying £20 for a gram and half. to be fair, some of the strains i get are decent, but quite worried that i dont know whats in it, as in glass etc. And as for soapbar, never again, since i pulled a bit of plastic out once, thats the last il ever touch that lol.
I know its an illegal thing to grow in the uk, but I am doing no harm, keeping myself to myself, not causing trouble, so have no problem in growing :)
however, i would be happy to sell some to close friends or whatever, may as well get a bit money out of a hobby lol.
The joy of seeing something grow as well, brings you back to nature, find it really relaxing too


Active Member
Growing weed is quite possibly the most self rewarding thing I've ever done....I love it.
This is very true for me too and something else that adds to the reward is making other things from my weed. Example I've made hash and oil, had to learn it first but very rewarding and fun.

- SB -


1st off I grew so I wouldnt have to find a dealer but I love the process. Grew so much I have maybe 50 mason jars full in my basement, about 5 lbs. Now I grow for fun, a new strain everytime and strive for the perfect grow. Only my wife knows what I do, thats the way its stayin. Peace.


New Member
I grow white widow because Im not gonna make somebody else rich off my bad habit lol. I also like smoking killer bud anytime I want and not having to dick around with dealers.


Active Member
So I can support my crack addiction, LOL. It is rewarding, but I mainly grow because 8 months out of the year it is awfully hard to find good green.


Well-Known Member
I grow because I just wanna fit in and to be self sufficient of course. Sucks being at the mercy of greedy mofos. When the quality is good they gouge and when it's shit they lace it with meth..plus I like knowing what goes into my bud like most people. Labour of love!!!