Why do we Grow?


Active Member
hi, i'm josh
goin through some rough bumps in life, kinda always have. but, it is these very bumps that have led to some very different thinking.

From childhood we question authority (argue with the structure offered by our parents). It is our duty to question these small rules and, consequently, discover the outcome.

This natural thought process should occur in our sub-conscience. so, it begs the question why do we grow pot, knowing full well some of the consequnces of our actions. there is the obvious answer, financial gain. Which is where most of the schwagg and commercial stuff comes from. Then you have the world class strains. The stuff dreams are made of. It is my theory that the men and women that grow these plants are not in it for the money so much as they are seeking something missing from there own lives.

I'm just getting started on my grow, i have built the box, supplies on order, some clones of hashplant lined up, should be good. The reasons why i wanna start are many. the financial gain is small, and just a bonus.

My childhood lacked structure, discipline,order. as such I have found it difficult fitting to rules of the society that has failed me and stole my childhood(being native american didn't help). I believe that if my parents had been given some oppotunities as opposed to being restricted to reserves and residential schools, or subject to racism and unacceptability. That they could have flourished and become successful. Instead, they struggle for survival, one a alcoholic, the other a recovering drug addict.

Now I have to find a way to make sense of all this. and I have found something that remains true in the face of alll this, Marijuana.

To be continued...


Well-Known Member
I grow so I don't have to go to dealers anymore. Always hunting down some one to buy from. Not knowing what kind of bud you'll end up with. Life is smooth now that I have a stash and plants in the growroom. Its a fun hobby.


Well-Known Member
I grow so I can do what I want! :lol: Not constrained by the "rules" of society I can just enjoy my life and not worry about the small stuff. Is that not what this country was originally founded on? Life Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness
Not Money Vanity Violence


Well-Known Member
We grow because we are self sufficient. We are free human beings with rational minds and infinite possibilities. We grow as a way to say FUCK THE GOVERNMENT. But mostly because we love to get high for free.


Well-Known Member
We grow because we are self sufficient. We are free human beings with rational minds and infinite possibilities. We grow as a way to say FUCK THE GOVERNMENT. But mostly because we love to get high for free.
Well said BOB I like the fact that we can STICK IT to the man and still smoke better bud that the street can provide......


New Member
the journey from someone who has never grown anything to a grower of high quality meds is a profound one, specially if you are doing it indoors where you create the whole environment. you become mother nature and its no longer about you being the center of things now you have these dependents and in order to get the desired results you must go through quite a learning and maturing process.


Active Member
Wow you should be a psychologist lol, it seems you would be good at it.

I going to grow, just because it helps with nausea but also i have so many great memories with my friends being high and i cant wait to have more. So i grow for friendship ha.


Active Member
We grow marijuana because buying it is too expensive, and the plants are so damn beautiful.

Why do we smoke is the real question I'd think... And the answer for me is, because I'd rather be comfortably high, than uptight and sober, when I deal with this world. Humans have used substances to become inebriated for thousands of years, from shrooms to alcohol, and this will never change. At least we're smoking a relatively harmless plant.

Many prefer drinks that rot their major organs, cause them to lose control of themselves, and too often result in injury and death. Cirrhosis of the liver is the 4th leading cause of death in the US, as well, and drinking this shit is completely socially acceptable.

Be glad that the plant exists, that it helps us, and that it encourages peace... Not violence like the other dangerous inebriant that is available most anywhere.


Well-Known Member
Bob Marley once said that "smokin' da herb is freedom" Why we grow is a relatively broad question because some do it to produce their own medicine, some for money, some because they like gardening & it's a beautiful plant, & some like myself do it to supply theirself & not participate in the black market. There are even many more reasons, but those are a few.


New Member
thinking we might have to grow food in this way soon to avoid bread lines, and you will still have to keep it hidden so some one doesnt steel it


Active Member
I do it for myself. for my pleasure. for my life. this is what i do, this is who i am.
I do it for the times sitting there with some of the best mates the world could give me, sharing a joint. the feeling of unity, because of one plant. the feeling that these guys are your brothers and that is caused by burning a plant. i feel at one with nature, both growing and smoking. an understanding. i do it because when im old and ive lead a good life, ill look back on being a teenager in a dirty front room passing a joint around some of the most amazing people i will ever meet.


Active Member
I believe it's my religion. They comfort me in a way that's not easily understood. Part of it is the quest to beyond what the law says is right and be truly free. I understand that it's rebelling but the processes go much deeper.
When I go into the "ladies room" I am instantly in my spot. The ladies provide me with beauty, oxygen, thc and great smells. I love the smell of mj. I am relaxed by their presents in my home. I don't sell, I don't share. No one knows but me. Is this bad?
Sometimes I come home for lunch and hang with them. They make it easier to make through the day.

My parents use to called it the "god pot"
I think in someways they were right


Active Member
I too have felt the tyranny of the streets. I've wanted to grow ever since i started smoking. Unfortunately, much like before, I can not grow because of where I live. before it was always because I lived in a duplex with insanely nosey neighbors, and now I live in a single family home and can not grow because of 1) The nosey neighbors and 2)The owner of the house is family, and although they smoke, they will not permit me to grow.

So what do I have left? I have plenty of sources for bud of all different types and prices. Here's a brief list of the problems I have with this though

1)For some reason, I don't know if it's just assholes here in Rhode Island,or what, but many dealers like to say "I CAN GET IT ANY DAY ANY TIME" It's bullshit, these are the same people that you call half an hour after hearing that and they say that they're out.

2)Dealers around here like to push the "Fuck You" button when you call them. They send you to voice mail, and their voice mail message is "If I didn't answer, leave a message" They never call back...EVER! You have to stay on them, if you want shit. AND HALF THE TIME ITS FUCKING GARBAGE! (sorry ill settle down now)

3)Then you've got the dealers who think that because they've got a half-pound or a pound of somewhat decent shit, they are the next "Boston George" or something. These are the ones that will charge straight $10-$15/g prices REGARDLESS of the amount you wish to pick up. There was one guy who had KB, just some regular old KB that wanted $420 for an ounce. AN OUNCE!!!

4)Or how about the guys that try and sell regs as mids? I swear I want to stab people like that in the throat with a potato peeler all the while castrating them with a dull pencil.

So yeah, needless to say, I'm quite fed up with the retards around my area.