Why do we transplant and the effects it has ?

I cut the bottom off the rootball at each up-pot and I usually do 4. I let the plant get dry enough that it's time to water it so the rootball stays together better. When freshly watered they tend to fall apart easier for me. I don't baby my babies.

The roots then branch out with thousands of feeder roots and I'll see them sticking out the drain holes within a week with never a sign of this mysterious 'transplant shock' of which I've heard.

I've been using DynoMyco for a couple years now and it seems to really help get things rocking. A sprinkle on top of the new medium then spray it down, drop the plant in then soak the whole pot good.


Shave down the sides too if long roots are wound around. Spray with water right after. I'll sprinkle the myco all over the sides when I do that too. Put some in a salt or pepper shaker and away ya go!


