Why do we want marijuana legalized?


Well-Known Member
i dont really care for legalization either..... i do my thang w/out gettin caught, get free bud n make mad dough.:mrgreen:

in theory.......(gonna grow come may)......:peace:
Legalization is needed.
It wont affect dealers.

There will always be a black market for any product even sugar.
Only today i got offered 50gram pouches of golden virgina(tobacco)and bottles of whiskey for half the shop price.
Its like saying that because alcohol is legal people will no longer buy it as they can make their own,just isn't the case.

Anyone who wants to grow already does.
90% of the world will never bother and you can still sell it from wherever and pay no tax.
The new crime of pot would just be tax evasion:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Corner shop weed would probably have low THC levels too. Maybe laws that only strains lower than %10 THC can be sold. So, we would have a black market for 'good shit'.


Well-Known Member
Corner shop weed would probably have low THC levels too. Maybe laws that only strains lower than %10 THC can be sold. So, we would have a black market for 'good shit'.
That would probably be the only way it would get legalized, make the weak shit legal... Now that I'm thinking about it, how strong is medical marijuana. Is it nice and strong, or is it like around 10% THC or something?


Well-Known Member
Medical? Medical is usually around 15%, quite strong shit. I could easily see it being legalized in places like coffee shops in Holland. They tried to open a few of those here in the U.K when Cannabis got downgraded, but they all got closed down.


Well-Known Member
I agree with much that has been said already relating to the fate of sellers. I wish not to state any right or wrong on selling, those that seek to advance through selling pot will find other ways to stay alive in the event of legalization. and the rest of us can continue on growing and smoking our own. I compare it to the booze business, there are even more home-brewers and wine makers, and hooch makers these days.

gateway?......I believe a natural tendency exists that is either activated and pursued or supressed and dies. and then the myriad of possibilities in between.....life is a continuum at it largest....and its smallest.


Well-Known Member
Cannabis prohibition must end for one reason: freedom.

By itself the consumption of a plant for recreational purposes is not a crime. It is only a crime because government says it is a crime. Murder is a crime. Rape is a crime. Growing and using a plant does not compare.

Enforcement of prohibition is wasteful and is a gross violation of the U.S. Constitution.

As far as dealers are concerned, I could care less. The cartels, and by extension - dealers, have been exploiting us poor schmucks for decades. There will always be something illegal for which dealers can overcharge.


Well-Known Member
sorry guys but it looks like we are soooo far from legalization. around here anyhow. my state just outlawed smoking pretymuch everywhere but your car and home. cant see em letting me smoke a bowl at the park anytime soon


Well-Known Member
they can never legalize it. if they do theyll have to admit they were wrong about it. if they admit that then the lawsuits would come from all over and rip the government. plus they keep all moneys and prophits from seized assets of drug dealers so they aint givin that up. the us gov. makes millions ayear(if not billions )busting pot dealers


Well-Known Member
Also as far as a gateway drug...If it had been legal when i started smoking way back in 79 i dont think i would have ever been exposed to the other "hard" drugs but it wasnt so i was now dealing with the blackmarket and it has all kinds of thing a person might find interesting but would never have seen if they had been able to go to a local shop and pick up a bag. i only smoke pot now but ive tried lots of other things some i liked some not so much but still....


Well-Known Member
The U.S. is slowly, but surely, heading for decriminalization. I predict a fiscal crisis will prompt people to realize the government spends $29 billion a year on prohibition. Moreover, revenues from regulation may convince policymakers to legalize completely.

Another option is a complete breakdown of the United States of America where individual states will determine the merits of legalization, as per the 10th Amendment. Hopefully, federalism will prevail and states will choose for themselves.

Thanks to the internet, more people are growing their own than ever before. Poll after poll indicates the people favor decriminalization at the very least. It won't be long before jury nullification makes drug enforcement an egregious waste of the taxpayer's money. The public is gradually coming to the realization that we have all been sold a bill of goods in the form of the War on Drugs. How many states have already decriminalized cannabis, or approved medical marijuana? I think it's up to eleven. Eventually the Federal Government will be forced to bow to the will of the people.


Well-Known Member
The U.S. is slowly, but surely, heading for decriminalization. I predict a fiscal crisis will prompt people to realize the government spends $29 billion a year on prohibition. Moreover, revenues from regulation may convince policymakers to legalize completely.

Another option is a complete breakdown of the United States of America where individual states will determine the merits of legalization, as per the 10th Amendment. Hopefully, federalism will prevail and states will choose for themselves.

Thanks to the internet, more people are growing their own than ever before. Poll after poll indicates the people favor decriminalization at the very least. It won't be long before jury nullification makes drug enforcement an egregious waste of the taxpayer's money. The public is gradually coming to the realization that we have all been sold a bill of goods in the form of the War on Drugs. How many states have already decriminalized cannabis, or approved medical marijuana? I think it's up to eleven. Eventually the Federal Government will be forced to bow to the will of the people.
Yeah never take the "deal" offered by the devil.
I.E. If you get caught never take the deal to be tried by a local magistrate with no jury.
Always go with a jury trial as you can appeal to the people on the jury with hard realities,you cannot do this with a judge.
Ask the jury to decide if they think and why you should be arrested for smoking in your own home if you have hurt no one and stolen nothing then why is the government wasting tax payers cash on you?:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Why do people think if MJ were legalized....All of a sudden...cultivation would be ok.

In the US...Alcohol is legal to buy....But they'll put your ass under the jail for making it on your own.

If its legalized...the feds would still want all the $$$....Meaning....The home growers would still have to look over their shoulders.

Great for the Medical users....But the homegrowers would still get the short end of the stick IMO.


Well-Known Member
Why do people think if marijuana were legalized....All of a sudden...cultivation would be ok.

In the US...Alcohol is legal to buy....But they'll put your ass under the jail for making it on your own.

If its legalized...the feds would still want all the $$$....Meaning....The home growers would still have to look over their shoulders.

Great for the Medical users....But the homegrowers would still get the short end of the stick IMO.
Legalizing cannabis would represent several positive changes: A general level of tolerance in society, better & cheaper bud, a new source of revenue for the government, and the re-emergence of the hemp industry into the economy.

Home-growers would be treated just like home-brewers and home-vintners are treated now. As long as they don't sell it the government could care less.


Active Member
The value of the plant would be devastating on all the businesses that prosper on prohibition the wealthy legal criminals the real murders and kingpins would not be able to get the common guy in the system as easy to get him in the pocket the good ole revolving doors that has the whole MO MONEY for the gov. the pharmicutical industry would be interrupted also they will not loose the dope feinds for pills they get to much money from the whole setup on the product they love there change so why would they so want to change a thing str8 up there is a TON of reasons it is not legal SO GET PAID an love life


Active Member
just to put my two cents in legalization would be great,i would't even mind paying tax on it and im legal as it is with a med exemption from my doctor but to jail people who smoke to cure pain in illegal states just isnt right and should be viewed as cruel and unusaul punishment.those of you who profit from marijuana will just super crops and larger room gorilla grows and such and would manage with just slightly more work.....keep cannabis chem free


Well-Known Member
I wont lie.I starting growing just to make money.

I had a "freind" tell me how much he makes.

And i was hooked.

I don't smoke Marijuana alot,but we all have those times where you like to relax and smoke up,But for the most part i like growing [its so fun ._.] and i like makeing money.

If it was legalized i know i would lose all my money [or atleast alot] but at the same time,being able to walk the street and smoke a fat blunt..would be..great

As of most of the people im stuck. I like the money but i also like to be able to smoke with a clear conscience


Well-Known Member
But seriously, the government has to realize its a fucking PLANT!!!! Meth anfedamins (spelled wrong) were first made by the nazis to keep their tank crews awake, cocaine was made as a medicine as well as heroin, these things were made by humans to enhance our being in different ways, and they all fuck people up and should be illegal, but weed is a plant that was made by nature and its safer than most prescriptions any way, it should be legal!


Well-Known Member
some people say that they cant legalize pot cause of various reasons, but hey could by making the same as cigarettes, cant SELL to kids under 19 or some shit, cant sell without taxes or buy without taxes, cant do it in public restaurants, i would be fine with these restrictions, wouldnt you guys? plus the gov. would make sooooooo much money from taxes and gov owned pot shops. and save $$$$$ from all the police needed to enforce the laws.