Why do Weather forecasters bother


Well-Known Member
weather = chaos, chaos cannot be predicted...regardless of the amount of data used to analyze and model weather patterns, they will fail :D


Active Member
I hear ya.... in any other job if they were wrong that many times they would get fired.

I need a job like that... If I told a customer when there parts would be there and I was only right about 50% to 75% of the time I would be fired.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
damn thats harsh smoke......... 75% is a good measure though......... 50% well uhhhh, idk... cause alot of shit happens at the parcel offices, but yeah this weather shit is outrageous, 40% out 100 you can predict the weather out in tx, other times nope forget it, said it would be cold and its not other times it will be....


Well-Known Member
I dunno they are pretty damn good at predicting what's going to go down where I live. But I suppose to be a weather forecaster in the NW you gotta be damn good...