why do women continue to stay with abusers?

damn it I wish I had thought of a fork

In the shoulder , left side, i buried those prongs nice and deep :clap:
I pitty any other man that dares try touch me again, i should have pinned his balls to the couch cushion :shock:. I put all my stuff i garbage bags, boxes anything i could, moved in 4 hours, i left a bed because i would never use it again, next day land lady had him evicted because the place was in my name.
Big problem with abusers is they isolate their victim, cause them to distant themselves from their family and friends, then it's hard for them to leave because they feel they have nowhere else to go. When u feel u have pushed everyone away and denied the fact that someone did hurt u it's hard to ask or get help. I never thought a man would hurt me but one did, i just stabbed him with a fork, packed my shit and left. I was lucky

Could I have my fork back......and I swear I thought the chicken soup was cooled off.
oh my god!! were you watching steve wilkos when you started this thread??

yeah bitches be dumb sometimes.
First off... People don't change. They just act differently.

Second... women don't know what the fuck they want. Never will until it's too late an they're left alone. They make decisions right in the middle of the decision they've just made.

Third... because they're stupid.

lol sometimes you just gotta show the lady you still passionett twords her..... by giving her a black eye... lol
First off... People don't change. They just act differently.

Second... women don't know what the fuck they want. Never will until it's too late an they're left alone. They make decisions right in the middle of the decision they've just made.

Third... because they're stupid.


ok i'm totally going to be a womany woman right now...... it's not fair to entitle all women as stupid. I know exactly what i want all the time and i think about what i say before i say it. Not fair. I agree some women out there are straight naive, but not all women. That's like me saying men are dumb, but of course that isn't true. Not all of them. I know this because of my awesomley amazing boyfriend.

All in all, the point of my out typed words, SOME women....
ok i'm totally going to be a womany woman right now...... it's not fair to entitle all women as stupid. I know exactly what i want all the time and i think about what i say before i say it. Not fair. I agree some women out there are straight naive, but not all women. That's like me saying men are dumb, but of course that isn't true. Not all of them. I know this because of my awesomley amazing boyfriend.

All in all, the point of my out typed words, SOME women....

The stupid thing was a joke ;)

I lol'd