why do you get high, please share, get it off your chest man youll feel better

Cap K

Well-Known Member
I was born, best that I can reckon, with some sort of depressive disorder. I have always been a strong individual to a point - I had my own opinions since kindergarten and the teachers were often unable to cope with that. Eventually I got tired of the workload designed to ingrain in my peers and I the virtues of mindless repetitive work and a lot of empty threats and mental abuse ensued, resulting in shitloads of anxiety and even though I didn't know it wasn't normal or right, a lot of panic attacks related to just going to school. That's what I get for being smarter than the pack.

If that wasn't enough to make for interesting character features in a young person, I was raped, coerced, mentally, physically, and verbally abused for more than half a decade by someone who was supposed to be my best friend. Again, even though I didn't know what was going on, or how to handle it, it caused me a lot of problems. I was able to repress it for a while, and then a few years later I had to tell someone and it all came rushing back to the surface. Needless to say, I've been suicidal for longer than I can remember but for some reason I just can't quit yet.

I was lucky enough to be around it at a party once. The social awkwardness, anxiety, and stress of being me faded and suddenly I was a social butterfly with a sense of humor and would you believe, charm? Ever since that party, I've been a pot head and a medical user. I use heavy sativa strains to give me the motivation, contentment, and soothing required to act and feel like a normal person ought to.

Some people accuse me of using it as a crutch. I feel annoyed that I have to explain to adults who should know better that when a person has a broken leg, using a crutch is quite typical.

Marijuana gives me my life back and when I don't have it I get suicidal, hopeless, stressed out, I feel worthless, and ending it is the only thing I can think of. When I use it regularly I become responsible, motivated, outgoing, content, fulfilled, inspired, and productive.

I tried to seek treatment for my condition but you would not believe how difficult it is to motivate yourself not to mention the impossibility of getting an appointment with a psych as a poor person. As an anarchist I have resolved myself to the fact that I must take responsibility for my own condition and self treatment is my only reasonable option.

Considering that almost all commercial pharmaceutical prescription medicines are known to cause the symptoms they are supposed to treat, that most are hurried through a corrupt and inept FDA approval process, are typically composed of toxic substances that negatively impact your body's chemistry, and cost a fucking shit-ton of money and that marijuana has not even one negative side effect that I have ever experienced... it only makes sense that I secure access to the only medicine that is safe, effective, free (if DIY), and fun to cultivate.

This is why I use it and why I may someday die for it at the hands of the enforcers of this capitalist system that runs the country and the world I live in.

The profit system has fostered a variety of oppressive forces that have greatly impacted my life for the worse and it is the only thing standing in the way of peace, justice, and a sustainable future. We must legalize marijuana and we must destroy Capitalism. Justice for patients and families and Capitalism cannot coexist.

Capitalism has become the source of so much grief, and has effected me considerably. From the oppressive and dominating public school system that was trying to beat kids into the exploitable workers the system needs to exist, to the sexist and authoritarian attitudes that were socialized into my rapist's mind by the society he lived in, I have felt the misery of the Capitalist system on a deep and personal level.

Fuck the racist, sexist, homophobic Capitalist system and the anti-democratic unJustice system that protects it and legitimizes its' existence.

This why I do my best every day and every moment to subvert the system and stay healthy and alive by smoking pot. Thanks for reading this much, it meant a lot to me.
Word up man hold ya head up and next blunt's for you!


Active Member
I was born, best that I can reckon, with some sort of depressive disorder. I have always been a strong individual to a point - I had my own opinions since kindergarten and the teachers were often unable to cope with that. Eventually I got tired of the workload designed to ingrain in my peers and I the virtues of mindless repetitive work and a lot of empty threats and mental abuse ensued, resulting in shitloads of anxiety and even though I didn't know it wasn't normal or right, a lot of panic attacks related to just going to school. That's what I get for being smarter than the pack.

If that wasn't enough to make for interesting character features in a young person, I was raped, coerced, mentally, physically, and verbally abused for more than half a decade by someone who was supposed to be my best friend. Again, even though I didn't know what was going on, or how to handle it, it caused me a lot of problems. I was able to repress it for a while, and then a few years later I had to tell someone and it all came rushing back to the surface. Needless to say, I've been suicidal for longer than I can remember but for some reason I just can't quit yet.

I was lucky enough to be around it at a party once. The social awkwardness, anxiety, and stress of being me faded and suddenly I was a social butterfly with a sense of humor and would you believe, charm? Ever since that party, I've been a pot head and a medical user. I use heavy sativa strains to give me the motivation, contentment, and soothing required to act and feel like a normal person ought to.

Some people accuse me of using it as a crutch. I feel annoyed that I have to explain to adults who should know better that when a person has a broken leg, using a crutch is quite typical.

Marijuana gives me my life back and when I don't have it I get suicidal, hopeless, stressed out, I feel worthless, and ending it is the only thing I can think of. When I use it regularly I become responsible, motivated, outgoing, content, fulfilled, inspired, and productive.

I tried to seek treatment for my condition but you would not believe how difficult it is to motivate yourself not to mention the impossibility of getting an appointment with a psych as a poor person. As an anarchist I have resolved myself to the fact that I must take responsibility for my own condition and self treatment is my only reasonable option.

Considering that almost all commercial pharmaceutical prescription medicines are known to cause the symptoms they are supposed to treat, that most are hurried through a corrupt and inept FDA approval process, are typically composed of toxic substances that negatively impact your body's chemistry, and cost a fucking shit-ton of money and that marijuana has not even one negative side effect that I have ever experienced... it only makes sense that I secure access to the only medicine that is safe, effective, free (if DIY), and fun to cultivate.

This is why I use it and why I may someday die for it at the hands of the enforcers of this capitalist system that runs the country and the world I live in.

The profit system has fostered a variety of oppressive forces that have greatly impacted my life for the worse and it is the only thing standing in the way of peace, justice, and a sustainable future. We must legalize marijuana and we must destroy Capitalism. Justice for patients and families and Capitalism cannot coexist.

Capitalism has become the source of so much grief, and has effected me considerably. From the oppressive and dominating public school system that was trying to beat kids into the exploitable workers the system needs to exist, to the sexist and authoritarian attitudes that were socialized into my rapist's mind by the society he lived in, I have felt the misery of the Capitalist system on a deep and personal level.

Fuck the racist, sexist, homophobic Capitalist system and the anti-democratic unJustice system that protects it and legitimizes its' existence.

This why I do my best every day and every moment to subvert the system and stay healthy and alive by smoking pot. Thanks for reading this much, it meant a lot to me.
I can relate.:joint: Holla hommie!
I've been around ganga since I was about 11 or 12, when all my friends first started smoking. I never really got into smoking though. I was diagnosed with Bi-Polar and anxiety when I was around 10 and also has back problems from being kicked in the face by a horse. The first time I smoked I was 16 and really tried to get stoned was with my super stoner girl friend, and her buddies. She has two bongs, a bubbler, and an assortment of pipes, she loaded them all with some good-ass chronic and we smoked it all. And I didn't feel anything, however the next day, we smoked out of her bubbler. Just me and her. I have never ever been so blazed, the wall was dancing, and I had to hide under some blankets. And then I took a three hour nap. Now I smoke weed because I realized that instead of taking pills, I can just take bong rips. ;) It does the same thing, except I'm not fat(because of slow metabolism) and MJ helps me sleep without making me groggy in the morning, like pills. And seriously... Who doesn't like to smoke a J and kick back outside?
Weed makes everything fun to me now, If I'm blazed you can be sure I'm not bored.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
so... this is going to be a little awkward

I have never smoked weed before
wow that is awkward, what made you sign on to this site and do you at least grow weed or does someone you know somkes


I've been around ganga since I was about 11 or 12, when all my friends first started smoking. I never really got into smoking though. I was diagnosed with Bi-Polar and anxiety when I was around 10 and also has back problems from being kicked in the face by a horse. The first time I smoked I was 16 and really tried to get stoned was with my super stoner girl friend, and her buddies. She has two bongs, a bubbler, and an assortment of pipes, she loaded them all with some good-ass chronic and we smoked it all. And I didn't feel anything, however the next day, we smoked out of her bubbler. Just me and her. I have never ever been so blazed, the wall was dancing, and I had to hide under some blankets. And then I took a three hour nap. Now I smoke weed because I realized that instead of taking pills, I can just take bong rips. ;) It does the same thing, except I'm not fat(because of slow metabolism) and MJ helps me sleep without making me groggy in the morning, like pills. And seriously... Who doesn't like to smoke a J and kick back outside?
Weed makes everything fun to me now, If I'm blazed you can be sure I'm not bored.

look im not trying to laugh at you but im high as hell :shock:did you just say you got kicked in the face by a horse [{((LOL))}]
now thats some funny shit


New Member
the only reason weed is illegal is cause of the damn hippies.
I started when i was 9 years old because my older brother thought it would be funny.
i shouldnt have kept smoking but i did..lol i am glad i did. i smoke because i like to taiste different buds livin in cali n all. i love to eat high. i am alot smarter and remember everything when im high i can concentrate in class when im high and juss kikin back with all the hommies and gettin stonned is funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
the only reason weed is illegal is cause of the damn hippies.
I started when i was 9 years old because my older brother thought it would be funny.
i shouldnt have kept smoking but i did..lol i am glad i did. i smoke because i like to taiste different buds livin in cali n all. i love to eat high. i am alot smarter and remember everything when im high i can concentrate in class when im high and juss kikin back with all the hommies and gettin stonned is funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
what the hell are you talken bout
look im not trying to laugh at you but im high as hell :shock:did you just say you got kicked in the face by a horse [{((LOL))}]
now thats some funny shit
its all good man. Yeah I got kicked in the face by a horse when I was like 9 or something, that stupid bitch. Same horse bit me twice on the back. And if it makes it anymore amusing, she kicked me with both back feet and I flew through the air and did two back flips.:joint:

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
its all good man. Yeah I got kicked in the face by a horse when I was like 9 or something, that stupid bitch. Same horse bit me twice on the back. And if it makes it anymore amusing, she kicked me with both back feet and I flew through the air and did two back flips.:joint:
if i could + rep you agin i would


its all good man. Yeah I got kicked in the face by a horse when I was like 9 or something, that stupid bitch. Same horse bit me twice on the back. And if it makes it anymore amusing, she kicked me with both back feet and I flew through the air and did two back flips.:joint:
I am a country boy myself and been kicked by various animals, sorry man the face is not good place for that.....Horses and geese have to be the meanest on the farm......keep smoking makes all things good.:joint::mrgreen:

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
its all good man. Yeah I got kicked in the face by a horse when I was like 9 or something, that stupid bitch. Same horse bit me twice on the back. And if it makes it anymore amusing, she kicked me with both back feet and I flew through the air and did two back flips.:joint:
I am a country boy myself and been kicked by various animals, sorry man the face is not good place for that.....Horses and geese have to be the meanest on the farm......keep smoking makes all things good.:joint::mrgreen:

do you guys grow outside


I remember it was near christmas time and was a party i was 16 maybe 15, and my friends said that they were going to smoke some bud and i went along with them, they said try it take a couple of tokes and i wanted to and didnt at the same time, but i did and i kept going like getting 1-2grams a week and now its just a useal thing :)
I do it mainly cause it helps me relax i eat more which i need... and i sleep easier with a nice spliffy before i go to bed :)

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
I remember it was near christmas time and was a party i was 16 maybe 15, and my friends said that they were going to smoke some bud and i went along with them, they said try it take a couple of tokes and i wanted to and didnt at the same time, but i did and i kept going like getting 1-2grams a week and now its just a useal thing :)
I do it mainly cause it helps me relax i eat more which i need... and i sleep easier with a nice spliffy before i go to bed :)
hay thanks for posting i need more good stories here
i think this thread maybe to old but i will keep checking and replying

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
if anyone has a great or interesting story of a time when they where getting high funny or not please post


Well-Known Member
man that shit is how i see a lot of people getting hooked thanks for shareing i hope you didnt bang as hard as you smoke i know how you feel being form where i from its hard to be young and not assosate with a gang keep that head up and keep tokeing

now you
OH MY GOD i just came thats some good shit i need more story like these i know that its not what i think but its fun to pertends in colledge i was the weed man and i lived off campass and i would have a lot of lesbian come over and smoke nothing movie like happend i tryed and they didnit even look cute they were butch for the most part on the b-all team but for the sake opf trying i tried . no. nothing they were over so much that my friends called my apt. les-lounge crasy right
Dude you keep saying "getting hooked"...

In the immortal words of Bob Saget

"Ever suck dick for marijuana?"

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Dude you keep saying "getting hooked"...

In the immortal words of Bob Saget

"Ever suck dick for marijuana?"

look here
i no you dont want to think of weed as on the same level as crack but the truth of the matter is it is
now i know i just shocked a hell of a lot of people with that
but i have been smoking weed for a long time and i have been growing weed for a 1/4 of that
but if a person sucks dick for crack they would probly suck dick for the sake of sucking dick
now i do feel the same as you do
weed is not a drug
but it is a drug some people even refer to it as medication

now back to dick sucking
you eat food dont you
now how hungry would you have to be to deep throte shack
my point exactly
you wouldn't even kiss the tip of your fathers dick for food if it would mean your famly would eat foreverand you share 1/2 his dna
- so please dont take what a comedyan says as law

ive done things for weed that i would only bring up while getting high
how many time have you not gone to bed untill you somked someting
what about the time you put all your ducks (not dicks) together to make a blunt
what about that time you stole for it ( it being weed)
what about the time you where about to robe the weed man
or what about the time you did robe the weed man (just because he, like you, thought it would be safeer to sell weed then coke )
aske any long time weed man how many times he thought he was going to loose his life over some weed
and the list would go on and on
see your forgetting that weed for some is much more then what weed is to you
see to you this is just a fadd something everyone else is doing

when you get sick theres sometimes nothing you wouldnt do for your meds
and yes for some this includes sucking cock and to others this means going with out

crackheads look the way they do because they neglect themselfves
i could introduce you to some crackheads that dont look like crackhead probly even living nextdoor to you
if a crack head could grow his own he would but he cant thats why there more likely to legalize coke before weed

who do you know that makes asprin at home or other legal drugs

most if not everyone on this site is growing weed, some forest and others just one plant, but you are still risking you freedom & home and wrost of all your fam's, home and freedom the same thing crackheads do

ohyeah i allmost forgot about your wellingness to suck cock
you might not do it but someone else may
not all crackhead suck cock
and one more thing DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH PUSSY IVE GOTTIN FROM SELLING WEED and i wasnt even the weed man
you tell a bytch you ll give her some smoke if she does this or that and shell do it
get a stoner chick when she at her lowist of lows and shell act like you had the answers to life on the tip of you dick
never let a female till you she gets weed for free( they give me weed for free i dont have to do anything ) thats what your girl till you

"i sure hope your not tongue kissing your spouse
because i be haveing sex with her mouth ........................." Jada kiss


Well-Known Member
how many time have you not gone to bed untill you somked someting
i sleep when im tired if i smoke b4 bed i wak up with a headach
what about the time you put all your ducks (not dicks) together to make a blunt
thats just not being wasteful
what about that time you stole for it ( it being weed)
never stole weed or stole for it
what about the time you where about to robe the weed man
i was always the weed man
or what about the time you did robe the weed man (just because he, like you, thought it would be safeer to sell weed then coke )
it is safer than sellin coke, ive sold both
aske any long time weed man how many times he thought he was going to loose his life over some weed
over weed never, been jumped a few times but nothin life threatning, have run into rough situations with dope and coke
and the list would go on and on...
no list here i sold for 12 years
see your forgetting that weed for some is much more then what weed is to you.
see to you this is just a fadd something everyone else is doing
thanks for speaking for me don't know what i would do without you

when you get sick theres sometimes nothing you wouldnt do for your meds
and yes for some this includes sucking cock and to others this means going with out
thats silly you belive this crap

crackheads look the way they do because they neglect themselfves
its more than that bro, could be the fact that it makes you not want food and then you get skinny unhealthy and malnurished and now you don't have the energy to take care yourself..
i could introduce you to some crackheads that dont look like crackhead probly even living nextdoor to you
they just hacn't made it that far yet
if a crack head could grow his own he would but he cant thats why there more likely to legalize coke before weed
yea they gonna legalize crack good one

who do you know that makes asprin at home or other legal drugs

most if not everyone on this site is growing weed, some forest and others just one plant, but you are still risking you freedom & home and wrost of all your fam's, home and freedom the same thing crackheads do

ohyeah i allmost forgot about your wellingness to suck cock
you might not do it but someone else may
not all crackhead suck cock
and one more thing DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH PUSSY IVE GOTTIN FROM SELLING WEED and i wasnt even the weed man
wow you da man

you tell a bytch you ll give her some smoke if she does this or that and shell do it
not with weed bro, gotten plenty of blow jobs for coke though
get a stoner chick when she at her lowist of lows and shell act like you had the answers to life on the tip of you dick
never let a female till you she gets weed for free( they give me weed for free i dont have to do anything ) thats what your girl till you

"i sure hope your not tongue kissing your spouse
because i be haveing sex with her mouth ........................." Jada kiss

you sound like the true weed barron. hope you grow up some day

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
how many time have you not gone to bed untill you somked someting
i sleep when im tired if i smoke b4 bed i wak up with a headach
what about the time you put all your ducks (not dicks) together to make a blunt
thats just not being wasteful
what about that time you stole for it ( it being weed)
never stole weed or stole for it
what about the time you where about to robe the weed man
i was always the weed man
or what about the time you did robe the weed man (just because he, like you, thought it would be safeer to sell weed then coke )
it is safer than sellin coke, ive sold both
aske any long time weed man how many times he thought he was going to loose his life over some weed
over weed never, been jumped a few times but nothin life threatning, have run into rough situations with dope and coke
and the list would go on and on...
no list here i sold for 12 years
see your forgetting that weed for some is much more then what weed is to you.
see to you this is just a fadd something everyone else is doing
thanks for speaking for me don't know what i would do without you

when you get sick theres sometimes nothing you wouldnt do for your meds
and yes for some this includes sucking cock and to others this means going with out
thats silly you belive this crap

crackheads look the way they do because they neglect themselfves
its more than that bro, could be the fact that it makes you not want food and then you get skinny unhealthy and malnurished and now you don't have the energy to take care yourself..
i could introduce you to some crackheads that dont look like crackhead probly even living nextdoor to you
they just hacn't made it that far yet
if a crack head could grow his own he would but he cant thats why there more likely to legalize coke before weed
yea they gonna legalize crack good one

who do you know that makes asprin at home or other legal drugs

most if not everyone on this site is growing weed, some forest and others just one plant, but you are still risking you freedom & home and wrost of all your fam's, home and freedom the same thing crackheads do

ohyeah i allmost forgot about your wellingness to suck cock
you might not do it but someone else may
not all crackhead suck cock
and one more thing DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH PUSSY IVE GOTTIN FROM SELLING WEED and i wasnt even the weed man
wow you da man

you tell a bytch you ll give her some smoke if she does this or that and shell do it
not with weed bro, gotten plenty of blow jobs for coke though
get a stoner chick when she at her lowist of lows and shell act like you had the answers to life on the tip of you dick
never let a female till you she gets weed for free( they give me weed for free i dont have to do anything ) thats what your girl till you

"i sure hope your not tongue kissing your spouse
because i be haveing sex with her mouth ........................." Jada kiss

you sound like the true weed barron. hope you grow up some day
have you read some of the post on this thread as to the reason why people smoke,, these are the same reason a crackhead will give you on why they do crack
( i saw my whole famly die
My best friend shot his self in the head in front of me now hittin a rock is the only why i can cope with life
my uncle and brothers rape me for 1/2 my life so now crack is my only salvation
we were at a party and everyone was doing it and ever sence then ive been fireing up a big old bowl of cokecane.
lets be real no one wants to thinks of weed as a drugs but it is it just so happen to be are drug of choice
and those crck heads that dont look like cark head bro theyve been smoking over 20 years,
some people let things control there life and other people are stronger
some people can go cold turkey while others cold turkey will kill them)
you say to your self that noone has ever died smoking weed -- this is true
i not trying to compere every little thing of crack and weed im just saying for every thing you get a good feeling from there will be people that will abuse this and there will be people that will allow this to control them
if you ever get a chance to talk to a crackhead ask him why does he get high and what was his first time you will here the exact same ones youhere on here
not saying anything bad but they are all excueses
and the reason your not gettin head for weed is becouse you give it away to those begging as hoes
while a cat like me
them same hoes know if they want to smoke my weed............ we fuckin and please beleve me whin i tell you you could do the same if you stop feeling sorry for them hoes see you expecting the weed head hoes to look like the crackhead hoes--NO that why you dont fuck for weed
trust me weedhead hoes look %1000 better and if you come at them the right ways you will be fuckin them- but now its to late for you becaause they know that tusseltussel is a rest heaven for hoes they talk to each other and say just smile at act like a hoe in distress and hell give you weed he dont even want to smoke with you ---- dude i sure hope that you are a young dude because this would mean you have time to change but if not it to late - a person like you really fucks you the weed game
if i could just pick you up one day and we would just ride around the streets and we would pull up on many bytches that would get in and fuck purely based on the fact that we had weed and dont say you have kush !oh lord! that shit made fucking these hoe a lot eazyer
see the problem with you is your girl probly tells you that the N*wordz on the other side of town gives her weed for free and she dosnt have to do any thing for it and you beleave her , and her FIT will never fell the same now dont go beating your girl ass cause some guy on the internet told you the truth just keep beleaveing her and keep wondering why her FIT is so wide now -

the truth of that matter is as soon as those female come at you wrong(begging for weed) if there bythemselfvs you come at them real
you say
" look baby i know you and your friends want to somke and you dont have money, listen were both adults here, its just me and you, let me kiss that pussy. ill smoke with you and then give you some weed to go" simple as that - she may act like shes offended but shell come knocking one night - this may not work if your an ugly dude but if you look half way desent
you fucken, trust , hell try it anyway ugly or not she has no problem asking for weed so why should you have problem asking for pussy --- stop being lame dude
crackhead hoes through the pussy at you
weedhead hoes present the pussy to you
every female know the cost of asking a man for something this is what there mothers should be teaching them if you ask a man for something trust that he wants some thing in return every female knows this law its what makes them safe