Well-Known Member
I started growing to save money and to "clean up" my bags..trash,seeds and big sticks so to speak. I started with "commercial" bag seed then some bag seed from locally grown "higher grade" product. I just recently ordered seed from the UK...huge difference from what I've grown before ! Got to love "quality" genetics !!! Now I grow more for fun and medicinal purposes (I broke my back in a work related accident) and really don't like opiates that Dr.s prescribe...I don't want that addiction !! Reading the forums on RUI it seems people grow for many different reasons (breeding new strains..bettering current strains...being a caregiver and what not. I'm intrested in why others grow and what brought you to the world growing...so if anyone would like to share their thoughts or comments I would love to hear them..lol..read them ! Have great day and happy growing .