Why do you grow ?


Well-Known Member
I started growing to save money and to "clean up" my bags..trash,seeds and big sticks so to speak. I started with "commercial" bag seed then some bag seed from locally grown "higher grade" product. I just recently ordered seed from the UK...huge difference from what I've grown before ! Got to love "quality" genetics !!! Now I grow more for fun and medicinal purposes (I broke my back in a work related accident) and really don't like opiates that Dr.s prescribe...I don't want that addiction !! Reading the forums on RUI it seems people grow for many different reasons (breeding new strains..bettering current strains...being a caregiver and what not. I'm intrested in why others grow and what brought you to the world growing...so if anyone would like to share their thoughts or comments I would love to hear them..lol..read them ! Have great day and happy growing . :-)
Grown for different reasons over the years. Outdoor for about 25 years for cash crops, kept me in personal + paid the bills and toys. Last 5 years slowed to down to just a few outdoor and last spring went indoor as the outdoor guerrilla grows were getting a bit too risky and too much work as I got older. Now I'm indoor, and mainly using it for myself, family, and close friends for meds, mostly for fellow cancer patients, those who can afford it pay, those who can't get it pro-bono. Made enough money off it for years, time to pay it forward. It's one of many hobbies now, definitely one of my favourites :)
For medicinal purpose mostly, can't afford the dispensaries ridiculous prices and it doesn't help that their product is horrible . Their prices are typically 40% more than street + tax and the quality isn't even close to what you can buy on the street. So I grow my own.

I love knowing exactly what genetics I'm smoking and what was used to grow it. Plus I can cure it as long as I want for my taste, most street bags I've bought aren't cured and are sold moist. I can grow exactly what I want and not be stuck with whatever a dealer currently has.
This is off topic but the heck with Facebook I have RUI !! ;-)
Me to.. I don't even have a Facebook..lol.. I'm a first time grower and well it is freaking awesome!! Started growing because of what it costs me where I live to but it.. And dealing with bs people.. I'm in the states but $20 a gram adds up quick!! Unless I buy dirt weed for $20 for 5g's but who wants that..
For medicinal purpose mostly, can't afford the dispensaries ridiculous prices and it doesn't help that their product is horrible . Their prices are typically 40% more than street + tax and the quality isn't even close to what you can buy on the street. So I grow my own.

I love knowing exactly what genetics I'm smoking and what was used to grow it. Plus I can cure it as long as I want for my taste, most street bags I've bought aren't cured and are sold moist. I can grow exactly what I want and not be stuck with whatever a dealer currently has.
At first it was to make money (which I never did because my first few grows sucked and I had no idea what I was doing and was to lazy to read and learn), then to save money, now... I just want to know what is in the stuff I eat, drink and smoke. Started making my own bread, growing our own veggies if we had more room we would be making a sustainable garden so that a grocery store trip was a rare thing.

Plus i can't stop growing, lol. It is like an addiction. I love changing my setup learning new ways to do things making small tweaks, etc. And it's therapeutic to hang out with the plants especially when they are healthy.